Prerelease WARNING
This is prerelease nightly version. It should NOT be considered as stable.
Name | File | OS |
Installer (Windows) | ffdec_11.3.0_nightly1743_setup.exe | |
ZIP (Windows, Linux, Mac OS) | | |
DEB package (Linux) | ffdec_11.3.0_nightly1743.deb | |
Mac OS X Installer (pkg) | ffdec_11.3.0_nightly1743.pkg | |
Mac OS X Application (zipped) | | |
Language pack for translators (zipped) | | |
Library only (Java SE) - Zipped | |
What's new since last stable version:
- Java 9+ support
- Chinese translation updated
- Enable bulk replace for single typed tags
- Option to use logging configuration file (ffdec home /
- Due to Java9+ limited support of reflection, following features were removed:
- Automatic detection of installed fonts changes (on font editation) - FFDec needs to be restarted to font changes to take effect
- Using kerning pairs of installed fonts
- Support for installing java in FFDec windows installer
- Making internal flash viewer a default viewer + move FP option switch to Advanced settings / others
- Increased scrolling speed in folder preview
- Changed /bin/bash to /usr/bin/env bash
- Building does not require Naashorn - uses Beanshell instead
- Use object.§§slot[index] syntax instead of /bin /boot /dev /etc /home /initrd.img /initrd.img.old /jdk.tar.gz /lib /lib32 /lib64 /lost+found /media /mnt /opt /proc /root /run /sbin /snap /srv /sys /tmp /usr /var /vmlinuz /vmlinuz.old UnknownSlot antlib/ build/ coverage/ dist/ examples/ graphics/ javadoc/ lib/ libsrc/ locales/ mac/ nbproject/ nsis_locales/ nsis_plugins/ releases/ reports/ resources/ src/ test/ testlib/ travis/ comment when slot cannot be determined (AS3)
- Show §§findproperty when neccessary (AS3)
- Scaling - Distorted images/canvas on Hi-dpi monitors for Java 9 and later
- Radial gradients focal point reading/writing
- Correct AS/P-code matching in editor for AS3 after using deobfuscation
- Correct line matching in debugger of AS3 after using deobfuscation
- Concurrent access while in debugger
- Correct body index for script initializer in P-code debugging
- #1550 TTF export - correctly handle duplicate unicode codes
- #1548 correctly handle empty generated file names
- #1379 AS3 - better handling local registers postincrement/decrement
- Better unresolved if handling
- Escaping in P-code Graphviz exporter (Problems with graphs containing backslash strings)