github jina-ai/serve v0.9.8
🎉 Release v0.9.8

latest releases: v3.33.1, v3.33.0, v3.28.0...
4 years ago

Release Note (0.9.8)

Release time: 2021-01-11 16:27:00

🙇 We'd like to thank all contributors for this new release! In particular,
Han Xiao, Jina Dev Bot, 🙇

🏁 Unit Test and CICD

  • [8b9aa25f] - fix cd and release docker image tags (Han Xiao)

🍹 Other Improvements

  • [07db2955] - hotfix release script (Han Xiao)
  • [0e3e5959] - version: the next version will be 0.9.8 (Jina Dev Bot)

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