github jhy/jsoup jsoup-1.19.1
jsoup 1.19.1

12 hours ago


  • Added support for http/2 requests in Jsoup.connect(), when running on Java 11+, via the Java HttpClient
    implementation. #2257.
    • In this version of jsoup, the default is to make requests via the HttpUrlConnection implementation: use
      System.setProperty("jsoup.useHttpClient", "true"); to enable making requests via the HttpClient instead ,
      which will enable http/2 support, if available. This will become the default in a later version of jsoup, so now is
      a good time to validate it.
    • If you are repackaging the jsoup jar in your deployment (i.e. creating a shaded- or a fat-jar), make sure to specify
      that as a Multi-Release
    • If the HttpClient impl is not available in your JRE, requests will continue to be made via
      HttpURLConnection (in http/1.1 mode).
  • Updated the minimum Android API Level validation from 10 to 21. As with previous jsoup versions, Android
    developers need to enable core library desugaring. The minimum Java version remains Java 8.
  • Removed previously deprecated class: org.jsoup.UncheckedIOException (replace with;
    moved previously deprecated method Element Element#forEach(Consumer) to
    void Element#forEach(Consumer()). #2246
  • Deprecated the methods Document#updateMetaCharsetElement(bool) and #Document#updateMetaCharsetElement(), as the
    setting had no effect. When Document#charset(Charset) is called, the document's meta charset or XML encoding
    instruction is always set. #2247


  • When cleaning HTML with a Safelist that preserves relative links, the isValid() method will now consider these
    links valid. Additionally, the enforced attribute rel=nofollow will only be added to external links when configured
    in the safelist. #2245
  • Added Element#selectStream(String query) and Element#selectStream(Evaluator) methods, that return a Stream of
    matching elements. Elements are evaluated and returned as they are found, and the stream can be
    terminated early. #2092
  • Element objects now implement Iterable, enabling them to be used in enhanced for loops.
  • Added support for fragment parsing from a Reader via
    Parser#parseFragmentInput(Reader, Element, String). #1177
  • Reintroduced CLI executable examples, in jsoup-examples.jar. #1702
  • Optimized performance of selectors like #id .class (and other similar descendant queries) by around 4.6x, by better
    balancing the Ancestor evaluator's cost function in the query
    planner. #2254
  • Removed the legacy parsing rules for <isindex> tags, which would autovivify a form element with labels. This is no
    longer in the spec.
  • Added Elements.selectFirst(String cssQuery) and Elements.expectFirst(String cssQuery), to select the first
    matching element from an Elements list. #2263
  • When parsing with the XML parser, XML Declarations and Processing Instructions are directly handled, vs bouncing
    through the HTML parser's bogus comment handler. Serialization for non-doctype declarations no longer end with a
    spurious !. #2275
  • When converting parsed HTML to XML or the W3C DOM, element names containing < are normalized to _ to ensure valid
    XML. For example, <foo<bar> becomes <foo_bar>, as XML does not allow < in element names, but HTML5
    does. #2276
  • Reimplemented the HTML5 Adoption Agency Algorithm to the current spec. This handles mis-nested formating / structural elements. #2278

Bug Fixes

  • If an element has an ; in an attribute name, it could not be converted to a W3C DOM element, and so subsequent XPath
    queries could miss that element. Now, the attribute name is more completely
    normalized. #2244
  • For backwards compatibility, reverted the internal attribute key for doctype names to
    "name". #2241
  • In Connection, skip cookies that have no name, rather than throwing a validation
    exception. #2242
  • When running on JDK 1.8, the error java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.nio.ByteBuffer.flip()Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;
    could be thrown when calling Response#body() after parsing from a URL and the buffer size was
    exceeded. #2250
  • For backwards compatibility, allow null InputStream inputs to Jsoup.parse(InputStream stream, ...), by returning
    an empty Document. #2252
  • A template tag containing an li within an open li would be parsed incorrectly, as it was not recognized as a
    "special" tag (which have additional processing rules). Also, added the SVG and MathML namespace tags to the list of
    special tags. #2258
  • A template tag containing a button within an open button would be parsed incorrectly, as the "in button scope"
    check was not aware of the template element. Corrected other instances including MathML and SVG elements,
    also. #2271
  • An :nth-child selector with a negative digit-less step, such as :nth-child(-n+2), would be parsed incorrectly as a
    positive step, and so would not match as expected. #1147
  • Calling doc.charset(charset) on an empty XML document would throw an
    IndexOutOfBoundsException. #2266
  • Fixed a memory leak when reusing a nested StructuralEvaluator (e.g., a selector ancestor chain like A B C) by
    ensuring cache reset calls cascade to inner members. #2277
  • Concurrent calls to doc.clone().append(html) were not supported. When a document was cloned, its Parser was not cloned but was a shallow copy of the original parser. #2281

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