github jetty/jetty.project jetty-9.4.49.v20220914

latest releases: jetty-12.1.0.alpha1, jetty-9.4.57.v20241219, jetty-9.4.57...
2 years ago

End of Life Notice

  • #7958 - Jetty 9.4.x is now at End of Community Support. (See issue for details)


  • #8578 - getRequestURL can append "null" if getRequestURI is unspecified in an authority-form request-target
  • #8493 - Review HTTP client feature setRemoveIdleDestinations


  • #8253 - Bump google-cloud-datastore to 2.9.1
  • #8233 - Bump jna to 5.12.1
  • #8242 - Bump mariadb-java-client to 3.0.6
  • #8238 - Bump maven-enforcer-plugin to 3.1.0
  • #8230 - Bump maven.version to 3.8.6
  • #8246 - Bump org.eclipse.osgi to 3.18.0
  • #8245 - Bump testcontainers.version to 1.17.3

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