Special Thanks to the following Eclipse Jetty community members
- @jebeaudet (Jacques-Etienne Beaudet)
- @slovdahl (Sebastian Lövdahl)
- #7771 - Clarify WebSocketUpgradeFilter.addMapping() method usage
- #7615 - HttpServletResponse.encodeURL not working for URLs starting with ../
- #7599 - Honor parameters order when parsing query and form parameters (@jebeaudet)
- #7569 - Miconfigured headerCacheSize in can result in IllegalArgumentException
- #7567 - Gzip compression not working for multipart/form-data when added to the allowed list using addIncludedMimeTypes.
- #7548 - Interrupt flag is not always cleared in between requests
- #7518 - ArrayTrie getBest fails to match the empty string entry in certain cases
- #7516 - Fix log class name in ArrayByteBufferPool (@slovdahl)
- #7496 - Transient 400: Bad Request responses
- #7480 - remove duplicated dependencies and upgrade to last spring 3.2.x
- #7271 - It is necessary to set MAX_CAPACITY to ArrayTernaryTrie/ArrayTrie
- #6756 - Deprecate
sub-project - #5965 - Option --write-module-graph produces wrong .dot file
- #7500 - Bump asciidoctor-maven-plugin to 2.2.2
- #7706 - Bump awaitility to 4.2.0
- #7501 - Bump checkstyle to 9.3
- #7449 - Bump error_prone_annotations to 2.11.0
- #7744 - Bump google-cloud-datastore to 2.2.9
- #7805 - Bump grpc-core to 1.45.1
- #7583 - Bump gson to 2.9.0
- #7680 - Bump guava to 31.1-jre
- #7445 - Bump guice to 5.1.0
- #7560 - Bump hawtio-default to 2.14.5
- #7582 - Bump infinispan.version to 11.0.15.Final
- #7707 - Bump jackson-annotations to 2.13.2
- #7699 - Bump jackson-core to 2.13.2
- #7798 - Bump jackson-databind to
- #7796 - Bump jmh.version to 1.35
- #7790 - Bump jna to 5.11.0
- #6920 - Bump jolokia-war to 1.7.1
- #7590 - Bump json-smart to 2.4.8
- #7705 - Bump logback.version to 1.2.11
- #7792 - Bump mariadb-java-client to 3.0.4
- #7727 - Bump maven-compiler-plugin to 3.10.1
- #7737 - Bump maven-dependency-plugin to 3.3.0
- #7542 - Bump maven-project-info-reports-plugin to 3.2.1
- #7612 - Bump maven-site-plugin to 3.11.0
- #7550 - Bump openwebbeans.version to 2.0.26
- #7746 - Bump org.eclipse.osgi to 3.17.200
- #7553 - Bump osgi.annotation to 8.1.0
- #7779 - Bump spotbugs-maven-plugin to
- #6756 - Bump spring-beans to 5.3.18
- #7743 - Bump versions-maven-plugin to 2.10.0
- #7622 - Bump weld-servlet-core to 3.1.9.Final
- #7708 - Bump wildfly-common to 1.6.0.Final
- #7756 - Bump wildfly-elytron to 1.19.0.Final
- #7435 - Investigate Infinispan transitive dependencies