Special Thanks to the following Eclipse Jetty community members for this release
- @SentryMan (Josiah Noel)
- @karstenhusberg
- @lucarota
- @lucarota-eutelsat (Luca Rota)
Of Special Note
The definition of UriCompliance.LEGACY
has changed with regards to bad UTF-8 parsing. (This now conforms to Jetty 11/10/9 LEGACY mode behavior.)
A new UriCompliance.JETTY_11
has been created to replicate Jetty 11 DEFAULT mode.
- #12834 - Quotes should be escaped in request logs
- #12831 - Always resolve pathSpec with asPathSpec in ConstraintSecurityHandler
- #12828 - HttpServletResponse.encodeURL() does not support relative paths
- #12827 - Introduce
which is different thanUriCompliance.LEGACY
- #12821 - Restore ee9/ee8 ContextHandler.setCompactPath(boolean) behavior for backward compat reasons
- #12810 - Add
to a BOM - #12796 - Do not decode path in EE9 Dispatcher
- #12792 - Issue when scrolling around in embedded videos
- #12791 - Review
behavior with bad UTF-8 in query - #12790 - Cannot invoke "org.eclipse.jetty.io.RetainableByteBuffer.getByteBuffer()" because "buffer" is null
- #12775 - EE9 Servlet API throws exceptions in normal control flow
- #12768 - Static HTML in demos still refer to Jetty 10/11 and earlier concepts.
- #12764 - Add filter support to
(@SentryMan) - #12752 - Make
a compile scoped dependency ofjetty-http-spi
(@SentryMan) - #12750 - UriCompliance is ignored for query string parsing
- #12741 - Remove unused files from jetty-eeX-demo-jetty-webapp
- #12739 - Regression in handing CombinedResource WEB-INF between Jetty 11 and Jetty 12
- #12730 - RegexRule needs configurable to include query (or not) in match logic
- #12725 - Update the _matchAfterIndex variable after setting new filter mappings
- #12724 - Fix SymlinkAllowedResourceAliasChecker for use with CombinedResource
- #12723 - Only on Windows: Failed startup of osgi context oeje8w.WebAppContext
- #12714 - MongoSessionDataStore can't upsert sessions if workerName contains token deliminators
- #12706 - Export ArrayByteBufferPool statistics via JMX
- #12705 - Orphaned sessions are never deleted at runtime in the SessionDataStore.
- #12690 - Add configurable capping for values of H2
settings frames - #12689 - Add statistics about
calls made for which there is no bucket - #12683 - Cross context dispatch to root context uses incorrect target path
- #12681 - CachingHttpContentFactory$CachedHttpContent already released buffer
- #12671 - Check UriCompliance.Violation.ALLOW_BAD_UTF8 in query parameter extraction
- #12670 - Improve buffer management of HTTP/1 response headers
- #12650 - Attribute org.eclipse.jetty.multipartConfig is null
- #12646 - CompleteListener may be invoked twice
- #12639 - Request.Content.getContentType()'s Javadoc contradicts HttpConnection.normalizeRequest()
- #12634 - Update jaas index.adoc (@karstenhusberg)
- #12633 - Ensure a redirect of the HttpServletResponse will close HttpOutput
- #12626 - Wrong ? packages in the JNDI mail example (@karstenhusberg)
- #12609 - Change of behaviour with HttpServletResponse.sendError(0) in EE10
- #12428 - No ALPNProcessor for org.bouncycastle.jsse.provider.ProvSSLEngine error with jetty http2 client (@lucarota-eutelsat, @lucarota)