github jetify-com/devbox 0.12.0-dev

latest releases: 0.12.0, 0.12.0-devb, 0.12.0-deva...
pre-release11 days ago

What's new in this pre-release

devbox run will no longer re-run init_hooks or attempt to recreate the shell environment if it is already running in a devbox shell environment. Implications of this change are:

  • If you start a shell, and then run a script with devbox run, the script will not re-run the init_hook or recreate the environment
  • If you run a devbox script inside another devbox script, the init_hook and shell setup will only happen once.


  • 2b0decf [devbox] run: skip re-computing Devbox State if in devbox shell (#2144)
  • b9cf6c4 [docker] Added steps for latest tag for devbox & devbox-root (#2146)
  • d9c9f17 [RFC][Devbox] computeEnv: remove __ETC_PROFILE_NIX_SOURCED=1 (#2147)
  • 3aac497 [Remove Nixpkgs] remove feature flag (#2142)
  • 6549b43 [docker] fix docker release image (#2136)

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