github jetify-com/devbox 0.1.2

latest releases: 0.12.0, 0.12.0-devb, 0.12.0-deva...
19 months ago

New Features

Devbox Scripts in Devbox Shell

You can now run devbox scripts from inside of a devbox shell. Previously, this would trigger an error about starting shells within shells. Now, if you run a script from within a devbox shell using devbox run <script>, devbox will run the command within your existing shell without trying to start a new shell

Example Docs

New Example Docs have been published to the Devbox Docs site -- these examples show how you can create dev environments for different languages, tools, and stacks using Devbox. The docs can be found here. You can also browse our examples repo at

Deprecating and Removing Devbox Build

devbox build and our automatic planners are now deprecated and removed. An upcoming release will enable developers to generate a container based on their devbox shell. This feature was removed due to low usage and poor performance, and due to a desire to focus on creating dev environments with devbox shell.

This release also includes some in progress work for automatic package configuration, nix installation, and Devbox Cloud.

Special thanks to @dritter and @boothb for their contributions to this release!


  • [nixpkgs version] update test devbox.json files with the autoupgrade by @savil in #278
  • ci: truncate long k8s namespace names by @gcurtis in #272
  • Add golangci-lint to devbox.json by @ipince in #273
  • golangci-lint offending line is displayed in error logs by @ipince in #274
  • Bump loader-utils from 2.0.2 to 2.0.4 in /docs/app by @dependabot in #280
  • Fixed terminal commands not running when closed by @mohsenari in #283
  • Added changelog for V0.0.2 by @mohsenari in #286
  • Added github action for vscode extension release by @mohsenari in #282
  • vscode extension terminal behavior fixes + readme update by @mohsenari in #287
  • referencing vscode token from env variable by @mohsenari in #289
  • [pkgcfg] Add postgresql config by @mikeland86 in #295
  • [bug] Fix bug where symlink does not get overriden correctly by @mikeland86 in #296
  • [pkgcfg] Allow for wildcards in package config filenames by @mikeland86 in #297
  • Fixed github action workflow publishing vscode extension by @mohsenari in #294
  • [pkgcfg] Add nginx config by @mikeland86 in #299
  • [bug] Fix nil pointer dereference in go planner by @ipince in #301
  • [pkgcfg] Add ruby config by @mikeland86 in #298
  • [dependabot] Fix vulnerability by @mikeland86 in #303
  • [config-directory] run shell.initHooks and shell.scripts relative to --config dir by @savil in #302
  • s/COnfig/config typo fix by @savil in #304
  • rename srcDir to configDir for clarity by @savil in #305
  • [pkgcfg] Add Apache httpd config by @mikeland86 in #300
  • [pkgcfg] Show readme when adding packages. Add info command by @mikeland86 in #306
  • [pkgcfg] Add rustup config json by @mikeland86 in #307
  • [pkgcfg] python config (readme) by @mikeland86 in #308
  • [devbox] Add client code for devbox cloud by @loreto in #310
  • Respect nixpkgs commit in devbox add by using nix search by @savil in #314
  • [pkgcfg] Embed config instead of using GitHub by @mikeland86 in #320
  • Small fixes for devcontainers in WSL by @mohsenari in #315
  • [pkgcfg] Add php extension support by @mikeland86 in #309
  • add gateway subdomains to sshconfig to avoid StrictHostKeyChecking by @savil in #323
  • [cloud] ensure devbox.json exists and pass devbox struct to cloud.Shell functions by @savil in #321
  • [devbox testdata] improve rust testdata's init script to work over ssh by @savil in #326
  • [pkgcfg] Remove config if package is removed by @mikeland86 in #324
  • Point the cli to the production gateway by @loreto in #327
  • Rename CICD workflows to be more descriptive by @loreto in #328
  • [featureflags] Simplify feature flags by @mikeland86 in #325
  • Bumping vscode extension version by @mohsenari in #330
  • [cloud] client directly calls by @savil in #329
  • [pkgcfg] Ensure php-fpm works out of the box by @mikeland86 in #334
  • Add packages info in telemetry to get better understanding by @LucilleH in #333
  • deprecate devbox build + hide devbox plan by @mohsenari in #336
  • Add sentry error reporting to telemetry by @LucilleH in #335
  • cloud: use unique SSH keys per VM by @gcurtis in #340
  • devbox run inside shell by @mohsenari in #331
  • [nix] Add nix install command by @mikeland86 in #337
  • [pkgcfg] show shims and env variables in info command. Add markdown flag by @mikeland86 in #341
  • [config] update default nixpkgs commit to most recent nixos-22.11 by @savil in #344
  • [nix-installer] auto-install nix if we detect it's missing by @mikeland86 in #343

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.1.1...0.1.2

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