github jetify-com/devbox 0.0.10

latest releases: 0.12.0, 0.12.0-devb, 0.12.0-deva...
21 months ago

Bug Fixes

  • Polish improvements for how packages are installed via nix (#215, #210, #220, #221)
  • Fixed a bug that would cause builds to fail for NodeJS Planner (#212)
  • Fixed a bug where Python packages installed as Nix packages could not be found in PYTHONPATH (#218)


  • [Bug] Fix bash regression for PATH by @LucilleH in #207
  • [nodejs planner] InputFiles should take paths relative to devbox.json, and not combined with srcDir by @savil in #212
  • [Fix] Ensure python sys path contains nix installed modules by @mikeland86 in #218
  • [RFC] move gitignore file to .devbox directory and ignore gen/profile/shell_history by @savil in #215
  • [shell] move nix-profile into a specific directory inside .devbox directory by @savil in #210
  • fix pipenv test by @savil in #219
  • nix: fix removing user Nix profiles from PATH by @gcurtis in #220
  • devbox: handle paths with spaces by @gcurtis in #221

Full Changelog: 0.0.9...0.0.10

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