github jesseduffield/lazygit v0.38.0

latest releases: v0.42.0, v0.41.0, pre-0.41...
14 months ago


Most recent patch: v0.38.2

We've got lots of goodies in this release. Some notable improvements are a revamped commit message panel (@seand52), much better interactive rebase behaviour (@stefanhaller), and much less error-prone custom patch behaviour (also @stefanhaller).

As you can see, @mark2185 and @Ryooooooga continue their reign as top contributors, but we are now also joined by @stefanhaller who is behind many of the big improvements in this release. I'd also like to give a special shoutout to @seand52 who's behind the revamped commit message panel. And thank you to all the other contributors who contributed towards this release: @AKARSHITJOSHI, @axieax, @AzraelSec, @humblepenguinn, @jbrains, @jenskutilek, @knutwalker, @pereBohigas, @scallaway, @shinhs0506, @ShrutiC-git, @TylerBarnes, and @yk-kd.

As always if you're interested in contributing to Lazygit, don't hesitate to pick an issue and have a Go (pardon the pun), and if you'd like to support me please consider donating.

On a more boring note intended for current/future contributors, we've now fully migrated to a new integration test pattern which makes it much easier to test your changes and prevent regressions. We've also got a huge refactor PR (#2519) that's about to go in right after this release goes out, so if you have a PR open that now has conflicts, reach out to me (@jesseduffield) and I can help resolve them.

Breaking changes

  • 'x' no longer opens the menu, you'll need to use '?' or remap the keybinding. We did this so that we could use 'x' for destructive actions like nuking the working tree, as some people accidentally double-tapped 'D' and ... nuked their working tree)
  • You can no longer use 'y' or 'n' to respond to a confirmation popup. Instead you'll need to use 'enter' or 'esc'. This is again just freeing up keybindings for more uses.
  • We've changed how you configure your editor settings because it was a bit of a mess previously. See here for the new approach. You'll get deprecation warnings upon closing lazygit until adjusting your config, so that nobody gets mad when we remove support in a following release.


Fixes/Minor Improvements


New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.37.0...v0.38.0

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