feat: 移除無法訪問的 API,更改新的 API 地址以獲取隨機語錄
feat: 增加 processSubtitle 函數以處理 subtitle 內容,改進 API 數據處理邏輯,API 調用失敗不影響顯示設置的 sub
feat: 更新插件版本號
feat: 支持 RenderAbc options 選項
improvement: 404 跳轉更順暢
fix: 修正變數名稱中的拼寫錯誤
feat: Removed inaccessible API and updated to new API address for random quotes
feat: Added processSubtitle function to handle subtitle content, improved API data processing logic; API call failures no longer affect display of set subtitles
feat: Updated plugin version
feat: Added support for RenderAbc options
improvement: Smoother 404 page redirections
fix: Corrected spelling errors in variable names