github jerryc127/hexo-theme-butterfly 5.1.0

19 hours ago


  1. 添加 chart.js 圖表庫(標籤外挂)
  2. 適配 Algolia Search 5.0
  3. 搜索分頁按鈕圓角化
  4. 本地搜索結果列表顯示數字排序
  5. 章節導航和相關推薦支持 hover 顯示文章介紹
  6. 移除 Daovoice
  7. 導航欄添加背景虛化效果
  8. 導航欄 hover 效果增加圓角


  1. 修復不啟用評論系統時,不蒜子統計不顯示的問題
  2. 修復背景漸變色無法生效的問題


  1. 説説的標籤可選填
  2. 代碼精簡和優化
  3. 移動到説説日期,顯示完整的日期時間
  4. 説説的時間標籤改為 time 標籤
  5. 延遲調用 abcjs 函數以解決渲染問題
  6. 調整側邊欄文章分類的字體大小

New Features

  1. Added chart.js library (tag plugin)
  2. Adapted to Algolia Search 5.0
  3. Rounded corners for search pagination buttons
  4. Display numerical sorting in local search results list
  5. Chapter navigation and related recommendations support hover to show article introduction
  6. Removed Daovoice
  7. Added background blur effect to the navigation bar
  8. Added rounded corners to the navigation bar hover effect


  1. Fixed the issue where Busuanzi statistics were not displayed when the comment system was not enabled
  2. Fixed the issue where background gradient color was not effective


  1. Optional tags for "Shuoshuo"
  2. Code simplification and optimization
  3. Moved to "Shuoshuo" date to display the full date and time
  4. Changed the "Shuoshuo" time tag to a time element
  5. Delayed calling the abcjs function to resolve rendering issues
  6. Adjusted the font size of article categories in the sidebar

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