github jerryc127/hexo-theme-butterfly 4.10

latest releases: 5.0.0, 4.13, 4.12...
12 months ago


  1. 更改 rightside-bottom 為 rightside_bottom

    - rightside-bottom:
    + rightside_bottom:
  2. 重構 gallery 標籤外掛

    1. 寫法變更

    2. 默認為滾動到顯示區域才加載圖片

    3. 更改依賴, 由 nk-o/flickr-justified-gallery 改為 egjs-infinitegrid

      -      # flickr_justified_gallery_js:
      -      # flickr_justified_gallery_css:
      +      # egjs_infinitegrid:
  3. 更改 ClickShowTextclickShowText

      enable: false
        - I
        - LOVEeeeeeeeeeeeee
        - YOU
      fontSize: 15px
      random: true
      mobile: false
    -   ClickShowText:
    +   clickShowText:


  1. 置頂圖標改為在標題左側

  2. 可配置打賞按鈕的文字

       enable: false
    +  text:
  3. 側邊欄增加系列文章顯示

    +  card_post_series:
    +  enable: true
    +  orderBy: 'date' # Order by title or date
    +  order: -1 # Sort of order. 1, asc for ascending; -1, desc for descending
  4. 增加 series 系列文章標籤外掛

    +   enable: true
    +   orderBy: 'title' # Order by title or date
    +   order: 1 # Sort of order. 1, asc for ascending; -1, desc for descending
    +   number: true
  5. 移除 addthis 分享

    - enable: false
    - pubid:
  6. 文章版權增加圖標顯示

  7. getScript 增加 attribute 配置

  8. 文章文字左右對齊

    +# Stretches the lines so that each line has equal width(文字向兩側對齊,對最後一行無效)
    +text_align_justify: true
  9. preconnect 根據 CDN 配置引入

  10. 移除 anchor 的 button, 直接點擊標題跳轉

    -  button:
    -    enable: false
    -    always_show: false
    -    icon: # the unicode value of Font Awesome icon, such as '\3423'
      auto_update: false # when you scroll in post, the URL will update according to header id.
    +  # Click the headline to scroll and update the anchor
    +  click_to_scroll: false
  11. 更改 headline 的 hover 效果


  1. 修復網站為子目錄時,pjax 跳轉 404 錯誤
  2. 修復夜間模式下,小屏幕的 toc 滾動條顏色不明顯的 bug
  3. 修復設置字體超過 17px 時,toc 裏面的邊框異常的 bug
  4. 修復 float 浮動佈局導致評論寬度異常的 bug
  5. 修復當設置搜索文件為xml時,搜索 < 和 > 沒有結果的 bug
  6. 修復主頁滾動, 頂部圖特效有延遲的 bug
  7. 修復圖片附屬文字在 note 標籤外掛裏的位置與圖片重疊的 bug


  1. 首頁社交圖標左右邊距調整
  2. 代碼優化
  3. tabs 標籤外掛的回到頂部箭頭位置調整
  4. 更新 plugin.yml
  5. 重構 main.js 代碼
  6. 優化 pjax 下的性能
  7. 優化手機端 toc 打開和關閉特效
  8. 文章進入特效改為 transform, 優化 stylus
  9. 目錄側邊欄出現滾動條時,元素不會被擠壓
  10. 處理 waline 的 url 後面多 / 導致跨域的問題
  11. 優化語言文件部分用詞
  12. disqus 和 disqusjs 的評論數獲取不到時,顯示為 0
  13. disqusjs 的評論數改為 api 獲取
  14. tabs content 裏最後一個元素 margin-bottom 改為 0
  15. 移除 noscript

Breaking Changes

  1. Changed rightside-bottom to rightside_bottom.

    - rightside-bottom:
    + rightside_bottom:
  2. Refactored the gallery tag plugin.

    1. Changed the implementation.

    2. Images are now loaded only when they are scrolled into view.

    3. Changed the dependency from nk-o/flickr-justified-gallery to egjs-infinitegrid.

      -      # flickr_justified_gallery_js:
      -      # flickr_justified_gallery_css:
      +      # egjs_infinitegrid:
  3. Changed ClickShowText to clickShowText

      enable: false
        - I
        - LOVEeeeeeeeeeeeee
        - YOU
      fontSize: 15px
      random: true
      mobile: false
    -   ClickShowText:
    +   clickShowText:


  1. Changed the position of the sticky icon to the left of the title.

  2. Added the ability to customize the text of the reward button.

       enable: false
    +  text:
  3. Added support for displaying series posts in the right panel.

    +  card_post_series:
    +  enable: true
    +  orderBy: 'date' # Order by title or date
    +  order: -1 # Sort of order. 1, asc for ascending; -1, desc for descending
  4. Added support for displaying series posts using the series tag plugin.

    +   enable: true
    +   orderBy: 'title' # Order by title or date
    +   order: 1 # Sort of order. 1, asc for ascending; -1, desc for descending
    +   number: true
  5. Removed the addthis sharing plugin.

    - enable: false
    - pubid:
  6. Added an icon before the text in the copyright section.

  7. Added the ability to configure attributes for getScript.

  8. Added support for left and right alignment of article text.

    +# Stretches the lines so that each line has equal width(文字向兩側對齊,對最後一行無效)
    +text_align_justify: true
  9. Added support for preconnecting to the CDN based on configuration.

  10. Removed the button for anchors and made the title clickable to jump to the anchor.

    -  button:
    -    enable: false
    -    always_show: false
    -    icon: # the unicode value of Font Awesome icon, such as '\3423'
      auto_update: false # when you scroll in post, the URL will update according to header id.
    +  # Click the headline to scroll and update the anchor
    +  click_to_scroll: false
  11. Changed the hover effect of headlines.


  1. Fixed a bug where pjax would return a 404 error when the website was in a subdirectory.
  2. Fixed a bug where the scrollbar color was not clear on small screens in dark mode.
  3. Fixed a bug where the border in the TOC was abnormal when the font size was greater than 17px.
  4. Fixed a bug where the width of comments was abnormal in float layout.
  5. Fixed a bug where searching for < and > did not return results when the search file was XML.
  6. Fixed a bug where the top image effect on the homepage was delayed during scrolling.
  7. Fixed a bug where the caption of an image overlapped with the image in the note tag plugin.


  1. Adjusted the left and right margins of social icons on the homepage.
  2. Optimized the code.
  3. Adjusted the position of the "back to top" arrow in the tabs tag plugin.
  4. Updated plugin.yml.
  5. efactored the code in main.js.
  6. Optimized performance under pjax.
  7. Optimized the opening and closing effects of the TOC on mobile devices.
  8. Changed the article entry effect to use transform and optimized the stylus.
  9. Prevented elements from being squeezed when the sidebar has a scrollbar.
  10. Fixed a cross-domain issue caused by extra slashes in the URL for Waline.
  11. Improved the wording in some language files.
  12. Displayed "0" when the comment count could not be obtained for Disqus and Disqusjs.
  13. Changed the method of obtaining the comment count for Disqusjs to use the API.
  14. Removed the bottom margin of the last element in the tabs content.
  15. Removed the noscript tag.

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