aside 個人資料widget可關閉button
aside: ... card_author: enable: true description: button: + enable: true icon: fab fa-github text: 主題 GitHub link: https://github.com/jerryc127/hexo-theme-butterfly
新增 Cloudflare Analytics
+# Cloudflare Analytics +# https://www.cloudflare.com/zh-tw/web-analytics/ +cloudflare_analytics:
新增 Microsoft Clarity
+# Microsoft Clarity +# https://clarity.microsoft.com/ +microsoft_clarity:
readmode 優化
aside 增加自定義 widget
aside widget 增加排序(只對page頁和sticky內的有效)
aside: ... card_recent_post: + sort_order: # Don't modify the setting unless you know how it works card_categories: + sort_order: # Don't modify the setting unless you know how it works card_tags: + sort_order: # Don't modify the setting unless you know how it works card_archives: + sort_order: # Don't modify the setting unless you know how it works card_webinfo: + sort_order: # Don't modify the setting unless you know how it works newest_comments: enable: true + sort_order: # Don't modify the setting unless you know how it works
twikoo 增加 option 配置
# Twikoo # https://github.com/imaegoo/twikoo -twikoo: +twikoo: + envId: + option:
+# waline - A simple comment system with backend support fork from Valine +# https://waline.js.org/ +waline: + serverURL: # Waline server address url + avatar: monsterid # gravatar style https://zh-tw.gravatar.com/site/implement/images/#default-image + emojiCDN: # emoji CDN + bg: /image/comment_bg.png # waline background + option:
newest_comments: enable: true ... + waline: false
最新評論url 增加描點
# Aside widget - Newest Comments newest_comments: ... - leancloud: - enable: false - appId: # leancloud application app id - appKey: # leancloud application app key - serverURL: # This configuration is suitable for domestic custom domain name users, overseas version will be automatically detected (no need to manually fill in) - default_avatar: # mp/identicon/monsterid/wavatar/retro/robohash/blank + valine: false