github jerryc127/hexo-theme-butterfly 2.3.0

latest releases: 4.13, 4.12, 4.11...
4 years ago

Breaking Change

  1. 增加Facebook Comments

    +# Facebook Comments Plugin
    +  enable: false
    +  app_id:
    +  user_id: # optional
    +  pageSize: 10 # The number of comments to show
    +  order_by: social # social/time/reverse_time
    +  lang: en_US # Language en_US/zh_CN/zh_TW and so on
    +  count: false
  2. 增加頁面加載動畫Preloader #193

    +# 加載動畫 Loading Animation
    +preloader: false
  3. aside card-tags可配置是否顯示顏色/aside subtitle可配置,優先顯示配置內容、沒有的顯示頁面subtitle #191 /aside widget 增加部分參數可配置/aside widget的Categories,Tags,post,Archives可配置limit/整合公告欄配置到aside去

      enable: true
      mobile: true # 手機頁面( 顯示寬度 < 768px )是否顯示aside內容
      position: right # left or right
    -  card_author: true
    -  card_announcement: true
    -  card_recent_post: true
    -  card_categories: true
    -  card_tags: true
    -  card_archives: true
    +  card_author:
    +    enable: true
    +    description:
    +  card_announcement:
    +    enable: true
    +    content: This is my Blog
    +  card_recent_post:
    +    enable: true
    +    limit: 5 # if set 0 will show all
    +  card_categories:
    +    enable: true
    +    limit: 8 # if set 0 will show all
    +  card_tags:
    +    enable: true
    +    limit: 40 # if set 0 will show all
    +    color: false
    +  card_archives:
    +    enable: true
    +    type: monthly # yearly or monthly
    +    format: MMMM YYYY # eg: YYYY年MM月
    +    order: -1 # Sort of order. 1, asc for ascending; -1, desc for descending
    +    limit: 8 # if set 0 will show all
      card_webinfo: true
    -# 網站公告
    -  content: 感謝訪問本站,若喜歡請收藏 ^_^
  4. 改CDN_USE為inject,可插入代碼到head或者bottom

    -# CDN
    -# 網站必須
    -# 可根據需要自行添加js/css
    -  css:
    -    - /css/index.css
    -  js:
    -    - #/js/third-party/jquery.min.js
    -    - /js/utils.js
    -    - /js/main.js
    +# inject
    +# 插入代碼到頭部</head>之前 和 尾部</body>之前
    +  head:
    +  	# - <link rel="stylesheet" href="xxxxx">
    +  bottom:
    +  	# - <script src="xxxx"></script>
    # CDN
    # 非必要不要修改
    +  # main
    +  main_css: /css/index.css
    +  jquery:
    +  main: /js/main.js
    +  utils: /js/utils.js
  5. 適配valine 1.4.5以上版本

      enable: false # if you want use valine,please set this value is true
      appId: # leancloud application app id
      appKey: # leancloud application app key
      notify: false # valine mail notify (true/false) Deprecated in v1.4.0+
      verify: false # valine verify code (true/false) Deprecated in v1.4.0+
      pageSize: 10 # comment list page size
      avatar: monsterid # gravatar style
      lang: en # i18n: zh-CN/zh-TW/en/ja
      placeholder: Please leave your footprints # valine comment input placeholder(like: Please leave your footprints )
      guest_info: nick,mail,link #valine comment header info
      recordIP: false # Record reviewer IP
      serverURLs: # This configuration is suitable for domestic custom domain name users, overseas version will be automatically detected (no need to manually fill in)
    +  emojiCDN: # emoji CDN
    +  enableQQ: false # enable the Nickname box to automatically get QQ Nickname and QQ Avatar
    +  requiredFields: nick,mail # required fields nick/mail/link
      bg: /img/comment_bg.png # valine background
      count: false # dispaly comment count in top_img
  6. 移除對文章隱藏的支持


  1. 增加標籤外掛 tag-toggle
  2. 適配hexo-generator-indexed插件
  3. Dark mode和Read mode配色微調
  4. 增加頁面keywords設置 #191
  5. algolia-search highlight文字加深
  6. 調整子目錄的排版(向左對齊)
  7. 調整aside和mobile sidebar 網頁資訊佈局,當缺少一個時,寬度依舊平分
  8. sidebar menu 增加頭像轉圈hover
  9. 當沒有設置Description時,會自動讀取文章前200個文字作為meta Description
  10. meta增加article:published_time和article:modified_time
  11. subtitle修改為網頁加載完後再加載,防止API回應過慢而阻礙網頁顯示
  12. 移除subtitle金山詞霸每日一句,增加搏天API的隨機語錄
  13. 本地搜索支持顯示文章內容和高亮keyword
  14. Read mode下可以切換Dark mode和Light mode
  15. 高分辨率下的界面適配 #163
  16. 修復Dark Mode下,note標簽的顯示bug
  17. 添加 dns_prefetch


  1. 修復 articleSort 設置文章封面邏輯不一致的問題 #194
  2. 修正zh-TW部分用語
  3. 修復hide-block 配置顏色顯示出錯的bug
  4. 修復只能點擊子目錄文字才能跳轉的bug
  5. 修復搜索結果在手機端無法滾動的bug
  6. 修復aside categories 查看更多跳轉到tags頁面的bug #188
  7. 修復當flink.yml內容為空時,報錯的bug
  8. 修復Dark mode下 aside 查看更多文字顏色太淺的bug
  9. 修復POST-META關閉閲讀分鐘和訪問量後,評論量前有分割線的bug
  10. 修復canvas_ribbon透明度變為1再變回預設值bug
  11. 修復當default_cover沒設置時,會出現無圖片的bug
  12. 修復文章頁替換url hash值而導致歷史記錄過多的問題
  13. 修復DarkMode下,note標簽的顯示bug

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