github jenkinsci/jenkinsfile-runner 1.0-beta-31
1.0-beta-31 - UNSTABLE: Java 11 & Jenkins updates, Switch to GitHub Packages

latest release: 1.0-beta-32
pre-release22 months ago

NOTE: This is an experimental release after a 1+ years. Most likely things will not work right away, and the release will be unstable. More fixes are coming soon

💥 Breaking changes

🚨 Known issues

  • The version suffix is duplicated on Docker Packages, e.g. eclipse-temurin-11-jre-alpine-1.0-beta-311.0-beta-31
  • Release pipelines override the latest and other similar tags. These versions should be always using the main branch
  • Demos were updated to Java 11 in the main branch, but some of them are still broken
  • Illegal Reflective Access Warning on Startup - See #667
  • Warnings about deprecated file extension in the packaged Docker images - #587

🚀 New features and improvements

  • Add HTTP Request plugin to the Vanilla Package (#559) @oleg-nenashev
  • Option to keep Jenkinsfile Runner running upon job completion (#556) @rsvoboda
  • Add option to open Jenkins Web UI in the default browser (#552) @rsvoboda

🐛 Bug fixes

📦 Dependency updates

📝 Documentation updates

👻 Maintenance

All contributors: @dependabot, @jglick, @oleg-nenashev, @rsvoboda and @shadycuz

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