github jenkinsci/jenkinsfile-runner 1.0-beta-22

latest releases: 1.0-beta-32, 1.0-beta-31, 1.0-beta-30...
4 years ago

This is a dependency update release before updating to the Jenkins 2.263.x baseline as a minimum requirement.
NOTE: Docker releases happen asynchronously, it may take several hours before the releases appear on DockerHub.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Auto-close the WAR file after exploding it to prevent file descriptor leak (#411) @recrsn

📦 Dependency updates

👷 Changes for plugin developers

  • Packaging parent POM: Verify that plugin dependencies are compliant with minimum version requirements (#430) @oleg-nenashev
  • Packaging parent POM: Bump appassembler-maven-plugin from 1.10 to 2.1.0 (#419) @dependabot

👻 Maintenance

All contributors: @SokolovPavel, @babusekaran, @dependabot, @ohbus, @oleg-nenashev, and @recrsn

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