github jenkinsci/jenkinsfile-runner 1.0-beta-15
1.0-beta-15: Docker packaging updates! πŸ‹

latest releases: 1.0-beta-32, 1.0-beta-31, 1.0-beta-30...
3 years ago

Summary: New Docker images for Java 11 and Alpine Linux, switch to AdoptOpenJDK in all images, migration to the official Jenkins organization on DockerHub.

πŸš€ New features and improvements

All available image tags: latest, adoptopenjdk-8-hotspot, adoptopenjdk-11-hotspot, adoptopenjdk-8-alpine, adoptopenjdk-11-jre-alpine, 1.0-beta-15, 1.0-beta-15-adoptopenjdk-8-hotspot, 1.0-beta-15-adoptopenjdk-11-hotspot, 1.0-beta-15-adoptopenjdk-8-alpine, 1.0-beta-15-adoptopenjdk-11-jre-alpine,

πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • Properly export the minimum supported Jenkins version (#339) @PierreBtz


  • Deprecate the Linux image tags in jenkins4eval/jenkinsfile-runner. The repository will be still used for Windows packages and other experiments, with no compatibility guarantees.

πŸ“ Documentation updates

πŸ‘» Maintenance

All contributors: @PierreBtz and @oleg-nenashev

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