Disclaimer: This is an automatically generated changelog draft for Jenkins weekly releases.
See https://jenkins.io/changelog/ for the official changelogs.
For changelog.yaml
drafts see GitHub action artifacts attached to release commits.
🎉 Major features and improvements
- Modernize build status and weather icons (#5065) @timja @josephbrueggen @fqueiruga
🚀 New features and improvements
- Add Japanese translations for New Job screen (#5334) @takashiharano
- Indicate in configuration which admin monitors are security-related (#5078) @daniel-beck
🐛 Bug fixes
- Accept negative numbers in INPUT.number (#5341) @felfert
- JENKINS-64931 - no need to synchronize on Queue as queue is using a Lock and this under certain conditions can generate a deadlock. look at the dump attached to the issue JENKINS-64931 - (#5305) @olamy
- Be quiet if Queue.save gets ClosedByInterruptException (#5326) @jglick
- JENKINS-65017 - Prevent bugs in form validation from messing up the entire page (#5333) @daniel-beck
- JENKINS-64972 - Help-buttons are not working when they are at the top of draggable div (#5316) @benebsiny
All contributors: @MarkEWaite, @StefanSpieker, @basil, @benebsiny, @daniel-beck, @dependabot, @felfert, @jenkins-release-bot, @jglick, @olamy, @oleg-nenashev, @takashiharano and @timja