github jellyfin/jellyfin-android v2.1.0
v2.1.0 - Jellyfin in your car!

latest releases: v2.6.1, v2.6.0, v2.6.0-beta.2...
3 years ago

Jellyfin for Android version 2.1 is here! It is now possible to use Jellyfin in your car using Android Auto.
Right now it supports music playback with an active network connection.

We have also fixed some issues and added some smaller things, just to highlight a few:

  • You can now go back from Picture-in-Picture mode to the app.
  • Some users that were unable to connect to their server should now be able to.
  • More video and audio codec support for the native player

And lastly, we are working on getting the app on F-Droid. The initial changes have been made and we're now working with the F-Droid team to release it.

See our blog post at for a more in-depth article about the v2.1.0 update.


✨ Features and improvements

🔨 Refactoring

🐛 Bug fixes

⚙️ Architecture and build changes

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