github jdx/mise v2024.12.5

latest releases: v2024.12.9, v2024.12.8, v2024.12.7...
3 days ago

🚀 Features

  • make mise trust act on directories instead of files by @jdx in #3454

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • correctly lowercase "zsh" for shell hooks by @jdx in 035ae59
  • read MISE_CONFIG_DIR/conf.d/*.toml configs by @jdx in #3439
  • retains spm artifacts by @jdx in #3441
  • add env var for MISE_NPM_BUN setting by @jdx in b3c57e2
  • hide hidden tasks in mise run selector UI by @jdx in #3449
  • trim run scripts whitespace by @jdx in #3450
  • shell-escape arg() in tasks by @jdx in #3453
  • use shebang in run script to determine how arg escaping should work by @jdx in #3455

📚 Documentation

🔍 Other Changes

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