github jdx/mise v2024.12.13

latest release: v2024.12.14
one day ago

🚀 Features

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • run venv after tools are loaded by @jdx in #3612
  • some improvements to mise fmt by @jdx in #3615
  • always run postinstall hook by @jdx in #3618
  • move bat from aqua to ubi by @jdx in 60d0c79
  • do not require version for mise sh --unset by @jdx in #3628
  • back nomad with nomad, not levant by @rliebz in #3633
  • correct python precompiled urls for freebsd by @jdx in #3637
  • bug fixes with tools=true in env by @jdx in #3639
  • sort keys in __MISE_DIFF to make the serialised value deterministic by @joshbode in #3640
  • resolve config_root for dir tasks option by @risu729 in #3649

📚 Documentation

🔍 Other Changes

  • format toml with taplo by @jdx in #3625
  • add platform field to registry backends by @jdx in #3626

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