The Sensors and a Button update.
I've added a bunch of sensors and a purge button, see the docs for a list, I broke out the existing single auto backup sensor into 3 separate sensors, as Home Assistant prefers using separate entities rather then attributes, the combined sensor is still available. The last successful and last failed timestamp sensors should be particularly insightful.
There's also support for using Home Assistant's new built-in encryption key, if you have that configured (docs). I recommend checking you can access the encryption key before using this.
I've also updated the automatic backups blueprint with sections to make it simpler to use initially.
✨ Features
- Add
option for default backup encryption (#186) (0afe34d) - Add a bunch of sensors (fa3488c)
- Add purge button (a17249c)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Devcontainer venv location (1d610c6)
📚 Documentation
- Add new sensors and buttons (d7ad1ca)
♻️ Refactoring
- Reorganise code (62c8bb0)
Full Changelog: v1.6.0...v1.7.0