github jayofelony/pwnagotchi v2.9.2
Pwnagotchi 2.9.2

11 days ago


The creation of this version, and the next versions, are being done in a different way than before with packer.
The build method used can be found here. Both images come with a .info file that includes all the installed packages on the OS for opensource reasons.


  • Display Hat Mini displays are fixed and working as expected
  • Removed AI to increase Wi-Fi stability
  • Icelandic language added
  • GPS Listener plugin by @krishenriksen
  • Loads more ...



  • Kernel 6.6.62
  • Latest hcxtools installed
  • Complete NetworkManager compatibility , no more /etc/network/interfaces.d/usb0-cfg etc

If you have any issues, ideas, tips, comments. Please open either a bug report or post in discussions.

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