github jaredpalmer/formik formik@3.0.0-next.4

latest releases: formik@2.4.6, formik-native@2.1.29, formik@2.4.5...
pre-release3 years ago

Patch Changes

  • 0ad41eb #2903 Thanks @jaredpalmer! - Renames unstable_StrictField to FastField and thus deprecates <FastField shouldUpdate> prop. If you need this functionality, use useFormikContext() and useField() in a custom component wrapped in React.memo() instead. In addition, and this is breaking, FastField is no longer passed form object in any render prop.

    If you still need to access the form object in render use FormikConsumer like so:

    - import { FastField } from 'formik'
    + import { FastField, FormikConsumer } from 'formik'
    <FastField name="firstName">
    - {({ field, meta, form }) => ( /* ... */ )}
    + {({ field, meta }) => (
    +   <FormikConsumer>{form => /* ... */}</FormikConsumer>
    + )}

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