- Windows 8/8.1/10 x64 or Linux operating system
- Visual C++ 2019 Redistributable (x64) on Windows
- Mono on Linux
- at least 16 GB RAM
- i3/i5/i7/Xeon or AMD equivalent processor with at least 2GHz and 4 CPU threads
- at least 300 GB free disk space (recommended 600 GB)
- at least 20Mbps/20Mbps internet bandwidth
- minimum 2000 Ixis to run the master node (no minimum required for miners and worker/client nodes)
- ability to forward TCP ports - either through uPNP or manually
Changes in this version:
** v0.8.3h
- fixed signer wallet's pubkey entry is null issue
** v0.8.3g
- pause sync if activity or storage queues have more than 2000 items (potential out of memory exception fix during sync)
- removed /sync API
** v0.8.3f
- Renamed 'disablefastBlockLoading' to 'disableFastBlockLoading' CLI parameter
- Moved "Blockchain Scanning Active" and "Activity Scanner Last Block" from queues to root in status API
- Improved Activity Scanner
- Change relevant Activity Status Transactions to error during chain re-org
- Added superblocks.dat to database repair if corrupted
- Updated dependencies
** v0.8.3e
- Added "Frozen Signature count" to getblock API calls
- Improved startup/block sync
- Prevent updating pending block during sync if the node already has it
- Improved detecting target block height during sync
- Other sync improvements
- Prevent removing block proposer's signature even if not in PL
- Removed temporary forced sync to block height 2116193
- Code cleanup
** v0.8.3d
- Prevent broadcasting latest block until the node has correctly sigfreezed block
** v0.8.3c
- Included a temporary fix which forces node to sync to block height 2116193
- Protocol optimizations
- Block processing optimizations
- Stability improvements
- Sync improvements
** v0.8.3b
- Fixed potential bug while extracting required signatures from block
- Fixed NullReferenceException in setFrozenSignatures when signatures param is null
** v0.8.3a
- Block processing stability improvements
- Sync improvements
- Network optimizations
- Storage improvements with auto-repair
** v0.8.3
- Optimized signature processing
- Presence improvements
- PeerList/Storage improvements
- Support for disabling activity pruning
- API updates
- Added rescanBlockchain API
- Added max incoming/outgoing connections CLI parameters
- Presence fixes and optimizations
- PresenceList optimizations
- UX improvements
- Other fixes and improvements
- This version will expire on block #2340000
- This version was built with IxiCore v0.8.3d (may also work with future IxiCore versions)
- This version will expire on block #2340000
- Make sure your system time is set correctly (seconds matter)
Upcoming features:
- UX improvements
- PL optimizations
- Storage optimizations
- Ixiac Omega