github iterative/dvc 2.5.0
2.5.0 🦉

latest releases: 3.51.1, 3.51.0, 3.50.3...
2 years ago

Refer to for installation instructions.


🚀 New Features and Enhancements

  • add: do not delete stage files before add (#6239) @skshetry
  • separate validation and transformation of args from the add func (#6220) @skshetry
  • import: error message when imported file does not exist (#6240) @mmeendez8

🏇 Optimizations

🐛 Bug Fixes

🔨 Maintenance

  • separate validation and transformation of args from the add func (#6220) @skshetry
  • build(deps): bump google-cloud-storage from 1.39.0 to 1.40.0 (#6261) @dependabot

Thanks again to @dependabot, @dependabot[bot], @efiop, @isidentical, @kurianbenoy, @mmeendez8, @pmrowla and @skshetry for the contributions! 🎉

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