Refer to for installation instructions.
- gdrive: change the temporary directory location to .dvc/tmp (#5583) @isidentical
- pull: proper path join for partial pulls (#5579) @isidentical
- Add Barrak, Eghan & Adam citation (#5573) @dmpetrov
- fs: ssh: pass timeout to paramiko's connect() (#5569) @duijf
- pygit/dulwich: implement stash functionality (#5286) @pmrowla
- state: use pickle v4 (#5571) @efiop
- gdrive: use the normal file backend for saved credentials (#5554) @isidentical
- utils: makedirs: ignore chmod errors (#5570) @efiop
- fs: git: use pygit2 (#5559) @efiop
Thanks again to @dmpetrov, @duijf, @efiop, @isidentical and @pmrowla for the contributions! 🎉