What's Changed
- Update the Readme file by @fjglira in #10
- Centralize common reconciler code by @luksa in #11
- Rename XyzReconciler to Reconciler by @luksa in #12
- Remove unused code by @luksa in #13
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #15
- Remove v1.20.3, it relies on istio_cni values that we don't support anymore by @dgn in #17
- Split E2E test by @fjglira in #20
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #21
- Review of field deletions in download-charts.sh by @dgn in #22
- Remove the patch that deleted fixed UIDs from istiod charts by @dgn in #23
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #24
- Use the
function to properly escape CSV annotations by @dgn in #26 - Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #27
- Wrap errors by @luksa in #28
- Add Debug information when e2e Test run Fails by @fjglira in #31
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #32
- Add
target by @dgn in #33 - Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #34
- Update bot username to openshift-service-mesh-bot by @dgn in #35
- Create namespace if it doesn't exist in README example by @nrfox in #36
- Centralize handling of conflicts and other common errors by @luksa in #25
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #37
- Handle conflicts on cleanup by @luksa in #39
- Use exponential backoff for conflicts and gc admission plugin error by @luksa in #38
- Update PROJECT file by @dgn in #40
- Fix debug info in e2e tests by @luksa in #41
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #42
- Add defaulting for Istio and IstioCNI resources by @luksa in #43
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #44
- Fix profiles by @luksa in #45
- Improve e2e debug info by @luksa in #52
- Fix flaky e2e tests by @luksa in #48
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #51
- Add gitleaks to detect secrets by @dgn in #47
- Update read me for e2e test by @fjglira in #50
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #53
- Don't specify namespace on make deploy-example by @luksa in #54
- Create sail-operator namespace on
make deploy-openshift
by @luksa in #56 - Ensure only one IstioCNI can exist at a time by @luksa in #55
- Deploy IstioCNI on
make deploy-example-openshift
by @luksa in #57 - Add minor information to bundle readme by @fjglira in #58
- Fix retrieving of DaemonSet logs in e2e tests by @dgn in #59
- e2e tests: skip deletion of operator namespace on OCP by @dgn in #60
- Small cleanup of applyOverrides() by @luksa in #61
- Introduce validation errors by @luksa in #62
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #63
- Use INFO level to log missing namespace in IstioRevision/IstioCNI by @luksa in #64
- Ensure control plane is deployed immediately when the target namespace is created by @luksa in #65
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #66
- Update SetDefaultEventuallyTimeout for e2e test by @fjglira in #69
- Ensure CI highlights failure in lint-watches.sh by @luksa in #70
- Make lint-watches ignore ValidatingAdmissionPolicy(Binding) by @luksa in #71
- Ensure update-istio.sh updates version field in versions.yaml by @luksa in #72
- Wrap errors to provide context by @luksa in #68
- Make bundle generation work during merges by @dgn in #73
- Refactor by @luksa in #76
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #67
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #77
- Remove unused fields from API (BaseConfig) by @luksa in #79
- Deploy CNI DaemonSet immediately when namespace is created by @luksa in #80
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #81
- Remove duplicates of oneMinuteAgo() by @luksa in #82
- Introduce a central way to get the project's root directory by @luksa in #83
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #89
- Don't log error when namespace is being deleted by @luksa in #88
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #93
- Fix pushing olm bundle by @asmigala in #95
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #99
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #100
- Add templates to feature, epic and bug creation by @fjglira in #92
- Allow running e2e tests against pre-deployed operator by @asmigala in #101
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #102
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #103
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #109
- Use version 0.1.0 for community by @dgn in #111
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #113
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #115
- Adding Way of Work agreements to the read me files by @fjglira in #114
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #117
- Add istio 1.21.2 by @asmigala in #116
- Actually force-delete resources after test by @asmigala in #118
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #119
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #120
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #121
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #123
- e2e: verify the image is coming from the correct registry by @asmigala in #122
- Add 1.22.0 by @jwendell in #124
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #125
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #131
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #132
- Bump dependencies by @jwendell in #130
- Automate the bump of stable Istio releases by @jwendell in #112
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #133
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #134
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #135
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #136
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #139
- Create make target for helm package by @fjglira in #137
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #140
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #143
- Update the README with more user focused info by @nrfox in #142
- Move user documentation into separate file by @dgn in #144
- Add gateway instructions to user docs by @nrfox in #146
- Remove the redundant step while creating the Istio resource. by @sridhargaddam in #149
- Fix the command to display the make targets by @sridhargaddam in #151
- Return to updating istio and client-go by @jwendell in #152
- Add documentation on how to integrate with Kiali by @dgn in #145
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #148
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #158
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #159
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #160
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #161
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #163
- Fix e2e test failure with single version in versions.yaml by @asmigala in #164
- Add install instructions to user docs by @dgn in #162
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #165
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #166
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #167
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #169
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #170
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #172
- Instructions for uninstalling sail-operator by @sridhargaddam in #150
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #173
- Include steps to create istio-cni ns when missing by @sridhargaddam in #174
- Fix minor typos in e2e readme file by @sridhargaddam in #176
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #177
- Display a friendly message for missing K8s cluster by @sridhargaddam in #175
- Add docs for sail-operator installation using CLI by @bmangoen in #171
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #178
- Modify prerequisites for installing using CLI documentation by @bmangoen in #179
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #180
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #183
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #185
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #186
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #188
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #189
- Add user docs for addons by @nrfox in #187
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #190
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #193
- Remove outdated comments from Dockerfile by @dgn in #194
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #196
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #200
- Add enhancements/ directory by @dgn in #191
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #201
- Add helm-publish make target by @bmangoen in #203
- Update Redme with enhancement process information by @fjglira in #205
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #208
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #211
- Update debug e2e by @fjglira in #213
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #214
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #223
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #226
- Fix occurrences of "sail-operator" and spelling/grammar in docs by @luksa in #228
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #231
- docs: documentation for update strategy by @fjglira in #227
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #233
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #234
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #235
- Add option to log events that cause resources to be enqueued by @luksa in #238
- Add make target to generate api reference documentation by @fjglira in #237
- Update Sail Operator cli instructions by @sridhargaddam in #229
- Hide some fields from the API reference docs by @luksa in #241
- API reference docs: replace tab tags for headings by @fjglira in #242
- Fix running e2e tests on OCP with custom images by @sridhargaddam in #245
- Simplify validatingwebhookconfig predicate in IstioRevision controller by @luksa in #246
- Use reflect.New instead of DeepCopy in StandardReconciler by @luksa in #244
- Fix instructions README url by @bmangoen in #247
- Skip reconcile of IstioRevision on owned resource status change by @luksa in #248
- docs: explain API concepts by @dgn in #225
- docs: make sure we use "Sail Operator" notation everywhere by @dgn in #252
- Add descriptions to fields in CNIGlobalConfig by @luksa in #257
- Fix issues identified during API review by @luksa in #254
- Generate API from versions defined in go.mod by @luksa in #258
- Add relatedImages to ClusterServiceVersion by @bmangoen in #243
- Rename
in API transformer by @luksa in #259 - Fix errors in api reference doc by @fjglira in #262
- Generate CNIGlobalConfig from GlobalConfig automatically by @luksa in #260
- Fix errors in tables for api reference documentation by @fjglira in #263
- Add field values.experimental to API by @luksa in #264
- api_transformer: use
go env
to detect mod cache dir by @dgn in #269 - Introduce RemoteIstio by @luksa in #202
- Ensure
make gen-check
works when go mod cache is empty by @luksa in #270 - Add
to API concepts in docs by @luksa in #272 - Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @istio-testing in #273
- Remove the
profiles by @luksa in #274 - Fix RemoteIstio by @luksa in #277
- Add v1.23.0-rc.1, remove older versions, change behavior of update_stable() by @luksa in #278
- Ensure update-profiles-list.sh updates profiles in RemoteIstio by @luksa in #276
- Add 1.23.0 and remove the rc build by @dgn in #284
- Change API domain to sailoperator.io by @dgn in #209
- Fix proxy related image by @bmangoen in #291
- Remove cyclic dependency between
by @dgn in #293 - Run
make update-common
by @dgn in #295 - Ensure controller-gen make target honors CONTROLLER_TOOLS_VERSION by @luksa in #298
- Don't install CRDs when reconciling RemoteIstio by @luksa in #299
- Change CSV annotations to
by @dgn in #292 - Remove yq unique by @bmangoen in #294
- Don't watch Secrets and EnvoyFilters in istiorevision controller by @luksa in #300
- Lint-watches now also checks if controller watches kinds not present in the charts by @luksa in #301
- Issue 230: adding bookinfo deploy to e2e framework by @fjglira in #297
- Add missing gen-all-except-bundle target by @asmigala in #306
- Add
target by @dgn in #310 - Bump version to 0.2.0 by @dgn in #312
- Remove old API generator by @luksa in #317
- Fetch Istio CRDs from Istio version specified in go.mod by @luksa in #318
- Improvements for RC releases by @FilipB in #316
- Issue 296: Adding OLM deploy for operator e2e by @fjglira in #313
- Fix OLM test setup by @fjglira in #326
- Add docs for multi-cluster install by @nrfox in #157
- docs: add section on migrating from in-cluster operator by @dgn in #325
- Fix indentation in README.md by @luksa in #329
- docs: Add section for Kiali and distributed tracing OpenShift integration by @josunect in #328
- Add release workflow by @bmangoen in #332
- Fix setup-multi-primary script by @sridhargaddam in #340
- Add README file for Helm charts section by @MaxBab in #338
- Increase run operator-sdk run bundle timeout in OLM deploy by @fjglira in #345
- Update latest Istio version to latest commit upstream by @fjglira in #348
- added helm overrides for proxy image as is available for operator by @twhite0 in #339
- Show name of active revision in Istio/RemoteIstio status by @luksa in #350
- Add External Controlplane to user docs by @nrfox in #335
- Use Kubernetes defaults for imagePullPolicy by @dgn in #352
- Adding E2e multicluster test by @fjglira in #342
- Adding wait after olm install in olm test setup by @fjglira in #357
- release workflow: Automatically adjust default release channel by @dgn in #353
- Update test labels in the way of work documentation by @fjglira in #359
- Add CODE-OF-CONDUCT to the project by @MaxBab in #362
- Fix formatting in the charts readme page by @sridhargaddam in #364
- Add pull request template by @MaxBab in #366
- Update helm chart README by @MaxBab in #370
- E2E kubectl util refactor by @fjglira in #368
- Update dependencies and fix transform by @luksa in #374
- Add ability to specify resources in helm chart by @tjons in #375
- Improve pull request template by @MaxBab in #376
- Implement e2e dualStack control plane tests by @sridhargaddam in #373
- Fix broken url for sample gateway by @sridhargaddam in #377
- Update/Fix Istioctl links and docs by @longmuir in #349
- Adding default value for IP_FAMILY by @FilipB in #378
- Fix error handling in deployBookinfo by @sridhargaddam in #384
- Implement e2e dualStack data plane tests by @sridhargaddam in #383
- Clean up code by @luksa in #392
- Simplify supportedversion.go and add unit tests by @luksa in #391
- Add Helm artifacts publish automation by @MaxBab in #385
- Update Istio versions by @luksa in #386
- Don't add istiod-remote chart when updating latest version by @luksa in #396
- Improve kubectl utility in e2e tests by @luksa in #394
- Small improvements by @jwendell in #395
- Create GH Action for update-deps by @dgn in #393
- Fix flakiness in multi-cluster tests by @luksa in #400
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #398
- Use upstream builder image in update-deps workflow by @dgn in #399
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #402
- Optimize multicluster e2e tests by @luksa in #403
- Faster cleanup in dualstack_test.go by @luksa in #404
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #408
- Documentation for dual-stack support by @sridhargaddam in #407
- Fix e2e test suite names by @luksa in #409
- Centralize operator installation code in e2e tests by @luksa in #411
- Enable verbose logging in operator in e2e tests by @luksa in #412
- helmified imagePullSecrets and resources by @twhite0 in #371
- Add operatorLogLevel to Operator Helm chart by @luksa in #410
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #415
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #416
- Skip control plane tests for dualStack job by @sridhargaddam in #414
- Test coverage workflow by @bmangoen in #387
- Generate asciidoc API reference by @bmangoen in #397
- Add debug info to multicluster e2e tests by @MaxBab in #417
- Fix typo in helm-artifacts-publish ENV var command by @MaxBab in #419
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #421
- Make spec.namespace fields immutable by @dgn in #418
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #423
- Minor updates to docs by @sridhargaddam in #425
- Clean up gateway sections in README.md by @longmuir in #428
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #424
- Honor the
option in all controllers by @luksa in #432 - Support metrics on dualStack clusters by @sridhargaddam in #426
- Convert all values to pointers by @luksa in #433
- Remove
in favor of automatic platform detection by @luksa in #434 - Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #431
- Reduce minimum deletion grace period to 0s by @dgn in #436
- Also print version when running
./sail-operator version
by @luksa in #438 - Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #435
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #440
- Improve failure messages for supportedversion unit tests by @dgn in #442
- Include integration tests in code coverage calculation by @dgn in #427
- Add spec.values.global.platform to IstioCNI by @luksa in #443
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #441
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #444
- Add nightly-images workflow by @bmangoen in #447
- Pin the version of OLM we use for e2e tests by @dgn in #450
- Ignore istio version suffix used in the downstream builds by @FilipB in #446
- Set global.platform when not set by the user by @luksa in #451
- Refactor logs gather flow to support multiple clusters by @MaxBab in #452
- Consolidate reconciler config fields into ReconcilerConfig by @luksa in #453
- Refactor helm artifacts publish flow by @MaxBab in #459
- Rework Multi-Primary documentation by @dgn in #456
- Fix log line in e2e_utils.go by @luksa in #462
- Fixing issue with missing istiod-remote chart when adding new versions by @FilipB in #464
- Update version reference in docs guide by @MaxBab in #465
- Remove RemoteIstio resource by @luksa in #461
- Minor updates to Gateway docs by @sridhargaddam in #466
- Clean up istiod-gateway-controller-istio-system ClusterRole & Binding in primary-remote test by @luksa in #470
- Implement temporary hack to prevent removal of pull secrets added by external controllers by @luksa in #469
- enhancements: add SEP for revision tag support by @dgn in #212
- Remove redundant variable copying in for loops by @luksa in #473
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #468
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #475
- Add 1.24.0 by @dgn in #474
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #476
- Bump github.com/docker/docker from 26.0.2+incompatible to 26.1.5+incompatible in the go_modules group across 1 directory by @dependabot in #271
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #477
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #478
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #479
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #480
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #482
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #484
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #485
- Centralize the way the sample apps yaml are being set to be deployed by @fjglira in #483
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #488
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #489
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #490
- Update e2e Documentation with env var to set sample yaml files by @fjglira in #487
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #492
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #495
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #497
- Revision Tag Support by @dgn in #413
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #499
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #501
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #503
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #504
- Remove validation when generating YAML manifests by @sridhargaddam in #496
- Add documentation for running multiple meshes on a single cluster by @luksa in #506
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #505
- Implement API and CRD for ztunnel component by @yxun in #481
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #508
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #510
- Update ztunnel versions in update_version-list.sh by @sridhargaddam in #509
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #513
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #514
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #515
- Implement ztunnel controller in Sail Operator by @sridhargaddam in #512
- Bump version to 0.3.0 by @FilipB in #517
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #519
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #520
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #523
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #526
- Add note for cni versions compatibility by @bmangoen in #525
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #529
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #530
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #531
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #532
- Fix undeploy when using Ambient mode by @sridhargaddam in #533
- Fix issue-management page by @sridhargaddam in #522
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #535
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #538
- Remove unneeded securityContext fields from multicluster manifests by @luksa in #539
- Skip namespace while deleting cluster scoped resources by @sridhargaddam in #544
- Remove duplicate newline at EOF of values_types by @dgn in #548
- Split unit/integration tests by @dgn in #547
- Ensure profile files are included in the revisiontags chart by @luksa in #537
- Document that env vars are strings by @dgn in #550
- Makefile support to deploy sample Istio with ambient profile by @sridhargaddam in #546
- Update version in sample yamls by @sridhargaddam in #552
- Fix InUse detection in IstioRevisionTag controller by @dgn in #553
- Avoid specifying platform in the e2e tests by @sridhargaddam in #555
- Fix failures due to IP_FAMILIES change by @sridhargaddam in #559
- e2e tests for validating Ambient deployment by @sridhargaddam in #541
- Switch to sail-dev quay org by @dgn in #560
- Add calendar link and contributor call time by @dgn in #561
- Fix gitleaks by scanning only files by @dgn in #562
- Automator: Update dependencies in istio-ecosystem/sail-operator@main by @openshift-service-mesh-bot in #540
- [release-1.0] Remove automatic channel prefix detection by @istio-testing in #575
- [release-1.0] Create IstioRevisionTag documentation by @istio-testing in #573
- [release-1.0] Allow overriding Ambient params in IstioCNI by @istio-testing in #570
- [release-1.0] Remove kube-rbac-proxy by @istio-testing in #577
- [release-1.0] Prepare 1.0 release by @dgn in #576
- [release-1.0] Bump CRDs to v1 by @dgn in #588
- [release-1.0] Use logAsJson instead of logAsJSON in ZTunnel APIs by @istio-testing in #594
- [release-1.0] Disable imageDigest support in ztunnel controller by @istio-testing in #596
- [release-1.0] link ambient doc in the doc/table of contents by @istio-testing in #601
- [release-1.0] Fix ztunnel controller to apply values.ztunnel config by @istio-testing in #580
- [release-1.0] Add an Ambient mode documentation by @istio-testing in #600
- [release-1.0] Update ztunnel comment in api_transformer by @istio-testing in #603
- [release-1.0] Helm: Remove redundant platform-specific cmd during installation by @istio-testing in #607
- [release-1.0] Fix sailoperator v1 api-docs by @istio-testing in #593
- [release-1.0] Use gcr.io for Istio images and quay.io/sail-dev for sample applications (#613) by @luksa in #615
- [release-1.0] Add an e2e test for Ambient config in IstioCNI by @istio-testing in #617
- [release-1.0] [Doc] Updates to dual-stack section by @istio-testing in #622
- [release-1.0] Allow setting vendor-specific defaults by @istio-testing in #637
- [release-1.0] Increate timeout for e2e test execution by @istio-testing in #642
- [release-1.0] Set Istiod env COMPLIANCE_POLICY when running on a FIPS enabled OpenShift cluster by @istio-testing in #644
- [release-1.0] Fix validation in the ambient doc by @istio-testing in #649
- [release-1.0] Add supported archs to CSV by @mkralik3 in #652
- [release-1.0] Variabilize static linking ldflags for FIPS compliance by @istio-testing in #653
- [release-1.0] Disables pruning for istios that potentially manage external revs by @istio-testing in #657
- [release-1.0] Add version alias support (#566) by @luksa in #662
- [release-1.0] Add missing link for: Example using the RevisionBased strategy and and IstioRevisionTag by @istio-testing in #643
- [release-1.0] Ensure e2e tests use the correct versions yaml file (#667) by @luksa in #669
- [release-1.0] Add multi control plane e2e tests (#610) by @luksa in #670
- [release-1.0] Make environment variable consistent by @istio-testing in #664
- [release-1.0] Updating dependencies and istio versions by @FilipB in #673
- [Manual Cherry-pick to release-1.0 branch] e2e IstioRevisionTag test by @fjglira in #683
- [release-1.0] Fix skipping upgrade tests when only one istio version is specified by @istio-testing in #688
- [release-1.0] Cleanup created clusterrolebinding after tests by @istio-testing in #691
- [release-1.0] pin version of setup-envtest, update gitleaks by @istio-testing in #703
- [release-1.0] make spec.namespace field of
immutable by @dgn in #701
New Contributors
- @twhite0 made their first contribution in #339
- @tjons made their first contribution in #375
- @longmuir made their first contribution in #349
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #271
Full Changelog: https://github.com/istio-ecosystem/sail-operator/commits/1.0.0