github ironicbadger/ansible-role-docker-compose-generator 2.0.1
Enables sorting by directory numbering

one month ago

A small patch to enable sorting by numbering your input directories so that certain apps appear in a certain spot in the output rendered compose.yaml file.

For example:

├── deepthought
│   ├── 01-traefik
│   │   └── compose.yaml
│   └── 02-nextcloud
│       └── compose.yaml
├── ktz-cloud
│   ├── 01-traefik
│   │   └── compose.yaml
│   ├── 02-monitoring
│   │   └── compose.yaml
│   ├── 03-static-sites
│   │   └── compose.yaml
│   ├── 04-blogs
│   │   └── compose.yaml
│   ├── 05-unifi
│   │   └── compose.yaml
│   └── 06-apps
│       └── compose.yaml

Full Changelog: v2.0...2.0.1

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