github ipfs/kubo v0.34.0

2 days ago

This release was brought to you by the Shipyard team.

  • 🔦 Highlights
    • AutoTLS now enabled by default for nodes with 1 hour uptime
    • New WebUI features
    • RPC and CLI command changes
    • Bitswap improvements from Boxo
    • IPNS publishing TTL change
    • IPFS_LOG_LEVEL deprecated
    • Pebble datastore format update
    • Badger datastore update
    • Datastore Implementation Updates
    • One Multi-error Package
    • Fix hanging pinset operations during reprovides
    • 📦️ Important dependency updates
  • 📝 Changelog
  • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Contributors

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🔦 Highlights

AutoTLS now enabled by default for nodes with 1 hour uptime

Starting now, any publicly dialable Kubo node with a /tcp listener that remains online for at least one hour will receive a TLS certificate through the AutoTLS feature.
This occurs automatically, with no need for manual setup.

To bypass the 1-hour delay and enable AutoTLS immediately, users can explicitly opt-in by running the following commands:

$ ipfs config --json AutoTLS.Enabled true
$ ipfs config --json AutoTLS.RegistrationDelay 0

AutoTLS will remain disabled under the following conditions:

  • The node already has a manually configured /ws (WebSocket) listener
  • A private network is in use with a swarm.key
  • TCP or WebSocket transports are disabled, or there is no /tcp listener

To troubleshoot, use GOLOG_LOG_LEVEL="error,autotls=info.

For more details, check out the AutoTLS configuration documentation or dive deeper with AutoTLS libp2p blog post.

New WebUI features

The WebUI, accessible at, now includes support for CAR file import and QR code sharing directly from the Files view. Additionally, the Peers screen has been updated with the latest ipfs-geoip dataset.

RPC and CLI command changes

  • ipfs config is now validating json fields (#10679).
  • Deprecated the bitswap reprovide command. Make sure to switch to modern routing reprovide. (#10677)
  • The stats reprovide command now shows additional stats for Routing.AcceleratedDHTClient, indicating the last and next reprovide times. (#10677)
  • ipfs files cp now performs basic codec check and will error when source is not a valid UnixFS (only dag-pb and raw codecs are allowed in MFS)

Bitswap improvements from Boxo

This release includes performance and reliability improvements and fixes for minor resource leaks. One of the performance changes greatly improves the bitswap clients ability to operate under high load, that could previously result in an out of memory condition.

IPNS publishing TTL change

Many complaints about IPNS being slow are tied to the default --ttl in ipfs name publish, which was set to 1 hour. To address this, we’ve lowered the default IPNS Record TTL during publishing to 5 minutes, matching similar TTL defaults in DNS. This update is now part of boxo/ipfs (GO, boxo#859) and @helia/ipns (JS, helia#749).


IPNS TTL recommendations when even faster update propagation is desired:

  • As a Publisher: Lower the --ttl (e.g., ipfs name publish --ttl=1m) to further reduce caching delays. If using DNSLink, ensure the DNS TXT record TTL matches the IPNS record TTL.
  • As a Gateway Operator: Override publisher TTLs for faster updates using configurations like Ipns.MaxCacheTTL in Kubo or RAINBOW_IPNS_MAX_CACHE_TTL in Rainbow.

IPFS_LOG_LEVEL deprecated

The variable has been deprecated. Please use GOLOG_LOG_LEVEL instead for configuring logging levels.

Pebble datastore format update

If the pebble database format is not explicitly set in the config, then automatically upgrade it to the latest format version supported by the release ob pebble used by kubo. This will ensure that the database format is sufficiently up-to-date to be compatible with a major version upgrade of pebble. This is necessary before upgrading to use pebble v2.

Badger datastore update

An update was made to the badger v1 datastore that avoids use of mmap in 32-bit environments, which has been seen to cause issues on some platforms. Please be aware that this could lead to a performance regression for users of badger in a 32-bit environment. Badger users are advised to move to the flatds or pebble datastore.

Datastore Implementation Updates

The go-ds-xxx datastore implementations have been updated to support the updated go-datastore v0.8.2 query API. This update removes the datastore implementations' dependency on goprocess and updates the query API.

One Multi-error Package

Kubo previously depended on multiple multi-error packages, and These have nearly identical functionality so there was no need to use both. Therefore, was selected as the package to depend on. Any future code needing multi-error functionality should use to avoid introducing unneeded dependencies.

Fix hanging pinset operations during reprovides

The reprovide process can be quite slow. In default settings, the reprovide process will start reading CIDs that belong to the pinset. During this operation, starvation can occur for other operations that need pinset access (see #10596).

We have now switch to buffering pinset-related cids that are going to be reprovided in memory, so that we can free pinset mutexes as soon as possible so that pinset-writes and subsequent read operations can proceed. The downside is larger pinsets will need some extra memory, with an estimation of ~1GiB of RAM memory-use per 20 million items to be reprovided.

Use Reprovider.Strategy to balance announcement prioritization, speed, and memory utilization.

📦️ Important dependency updates

📝 Changelog

Full Changelog

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Contributors

Contributor Commits Lines ± Files Changed
Hector Sanjuan 100 +4777/-1495 200
Marco Munizaga 22 +3482/-1632 122
Andrew Gillis 69 +1628/-1509 191
sukun 13 +1240/-288 67
Simon Menke 7 +766/-97 16
Guillaume Michel 33 +438/-383 62
Marcin Rataj 24 +494/-266 47
Sergey Gorbunov 4 +384/-103 20
AvyChanna 1 +294/-193 9
gammazero 22 +208/-217 28
Dennis Trautwein 3 +425/-0 8
web3-bot 18 +193/-184 46
Steven Allen 8 +204/-82 13
Marten Seemann 5 +215/-63 11
Daniel Norman 2 +225/-0 6
Abhinav Prakash 1 +190/-2 4
guillaumemichel 3 +93/-56 15
youyyytrok 1 +84/-63 29
Nishant Das 2 +111/-1 4
Pop Chunhapanya 1 +109/-0 2
Michael Muré 7 +78/-29 15
Jorropo 4 +53/-20 7
Ryan Skidmore 1 +62/-0 2
GITSRC 1 +44/-0 3
Russell Dempsey 1 +22/-17 10
Adin Schmahmann 2 +29/-8 3
Gabriel Cruz 1 +13/-13 1
Wlynxg 3 +12/-9 3
Khaled Yakdan 1 +11/-10 1
Yahya Hassanzadeh, Ph.D. 1 +17/-0 1
Can ZHANG 2 +15/-2 3
Pavel Zbitskiy 1 +13/-1 2
Yuttakhan B. 1 +6/-6 6
Hlib Kanunnikov 2 +9/-2 4
Petar Maymounkov 1 +7/-2 1
Prithvi Shahi 2 +8/-0 2
Piotr Galar 1 +4/-4 2
Michael Vorburger 1 +6/-0 1
Gus Eggert 2 +6/-0 2
Raúl Kripalani 1 +4/-0 1
linchizhen 1 +1/-1 1
achingbrain 1 +1/-1 1
Rod Vagg 1 +1/-1 1
Ian Davis 1 +1/-1 1
Fabio Bozzo 1 +1/-1 1

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