- feat: Web UI v2.5.0
- Embedded JS IPFS in Brave (wip: #716)
- feat(brave): delegated peers and content routing (#739)
This enables delegated routers in embedded js-ipfs running in Brave.
Coupled with preload, this gives us basic file sharing functionality back, until we have real p2p transport, native DHT etc. - fix: callback-based delgates + DNS caching
This switches to 0.2.x versions of delegate modules which work correctly with js-libp2p + wip fix for js-ipfs that caches DNS records for 1 minute, greatly reducing the HTTP request overhead to remote APIs.
- feat(brave): delegated peers and content routing (#739)
- chore: dependency updates (#747)
- i18n: synchronized translations (want to improve translations?)
- Firefox: Beta Channel at Github
- Chrome, Brave and other Chromium-based: Beta Channel at Chrome Web Store
- Alternative: use generic
attached to this release or build and install it manually