github ipfs/ipfs-companion v2.6.0
v2.6.0 (Stable)

latest releases: v3.1.0, v3.0.1, v3.0.0...
5 years ago

Changes Since v2.5.1

Feature: New Web UI


Files IPLD Explorer Peers Settings
Screenshot of the file browser page Screenshot of the IPLD explorer page Screenshot of the swarm peers map Screenshot of the settings page

IPFS Companion ships with the new Web UI (#590). It is bundled with the browser extension, which means it will work in offline environments and by default, Web UI will use the same API endpoint as IPFS Companion.

Feature: Revamped Context Menus

Various UX improvements related to context menus, separate submenus for different contexts | #585 (comment)

  • Smarter filename when adding via context menu | #599
  • Option to resolve and copy CID | #508


  • Fixed crash when dropping a big file into Quick Upload window | #596
    • don't crash when dropping >128MB in Chrome | #464
    • don't break silently in Firefox when Buffer max size is breached | #464
  • fix: edge cases around localhost redirects | #607
  • fix: ignored opts when hash was present | #608
  • fix: isCID in ipfs-companion context | ipfs-webui/#874
  • fix: add support for quic multiaddrs | #613



Firefox / Firefox for Android Chromium-based: Chrome, Brave
Install From AMO Install from Chrome Store

Alternative: use * above or build and install it manually.

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