github ipfs-cluster/ipfs-cluster v1.1.2

6 days ago

IPFS Cluster v1.1.2 is a maintenance release which tunes internal pubsub
configuration to be less demanding and resilient, as well as exposing some
of said configuration options.

It additionally contains a bugfix in go-ds-crdt for an issue that can cause
divergence between peers (ipfs/go-ds-crdt#241). The
issue manifests itself when a value has been removed (i.e. when doing pin rm
on cluster) and re-added on a different replica before the removal operation
has been applied there. It may manifest itself in incosistencies in pin
information depending on the peer. The fix involves running an automatic
migration that ensures all the pin informations are aligned and that requires
a write operation for every pin that has ever been deleted pins to ensure that
cluster is returning the right values. This happens automatically on the first
boot after upgrade.

List of changes

Breaking changes

There are no breaking changes on this release.

Bug fixes
Other changes

Upgrading notices

Configuration changes

The main cluster configuration section now contains a pubsub sub-section
which, when not present, takes the following defaults:

    "pubsub": {
      "seen_messages_ttl": "30m0s",
      "heartbeat_interval": "10s",
      "d_factor": 4,
      "history_gossip": 2,
      "history_length": 6,
      "flood_publish": false

Details on the meaning of the options can be obtained in the
pubsub documentation
or in the ipfs-cluster documentation for the Config object.


No changes.

Pinning Service API

No changes.


No changes.


No relevant changes.


As mentioned, the crdt datastore will run a migration on first start. A message will be printed when it finishes.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.1.1...v1.1.2

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