github ipetkov/crane v0.17.0

latest releases: v0.17.2, v0.17.1
14 days ago

0.17.0 - 2024-05-18


  • cargoDoc now supports docInstallRoot to influence which directory will be
    installed to $out/share (which can be useful when cross-compiling). By
    default $CARGO_TARGET_DIR and $CARGO_BUILD_TARGET (if set) will be taken
    into account
  • crateNameFromCargoToml now supports selecting a derivation name by setting or in the root
  • vendorCargoDeps, vendorCargoRegistries, vendorGitDeps, and
    vendorMultipleCargoDeps now support arbitrary overrides (i.e. patching) at
    the individual crate/repo level when vendoring sources.


  • Breaking cargoAudit no longer accepts cargoExtraArgs (since it does
    not support the regular set of cargo flags like most cargo-commands do, it
    does not make much sense to propagate those flags through)
  • buildTrunkPackage now sets env.TRUNK_SKIP_VERSION_CHECK = "true"; if not


  • In the future, crateNameFromCargoToml will stop considering in the root Cargo.toml when determining the crate
    name. This attribute is not recognized by cargo (which will emit its own
    warnings about it) and should be avoided going forward.
  • In the future, crane.lib.${system} will be removed. Please switch to using
    (crane.mkLib nixpkgs.lib.${system}) as an equivalent alternative.

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