- Support for kernel up to 6.3.
- new libbpf tool: tcppktlat.
- bcc tool updates: funcslower, wakeuptime, profile, offcputime, deadlock, funccount, argdist, kvmexit, runqlen and cpuunclaimed.
- libbpf tool update: memleak, tcprtt, tcpconnlat, funclatency, syscount, cpufreq, biosnoop.
- support ringbuf_query for bcc tools.
- handle '[uprobes]' memory mapped file properly during stack tracing.
- Fix maximum allowed index for print_linear_hist for bcc tools.
- add module kfunc/kretfunc support.
- clang rewriter: initialize only the requested parameters
- filter with available_filter_functions to make multi-functions kprobes more robust for both bcc and libbpf tools.
- doc update, other bug fixes and tools improvement