github iotexproject/iotex-core v2.0.1

latest releases: v2.1.0-rc13, v2.1.0-rc12, v2.1.0-rc11...
3 months ago

v2.0.1 Release Note


v2.0.1 is the first maintenance release after the latest release v2.0.0. It
comes with several API fixes to maintain backward-compatibility with existing
ioPay and web staking portal.

Bug Fix and Performance Improvements:

  1. Corrected return data of readCandidates API to maintain backward-compatibility
    with existing ioPay and web staking portal.
  2. Fixed the issue of log loss when querying the latest logs by eth_getLogs.
  3. Fixed the issue of not cleaning up the self-stake bucket after the bucket is
  4. Fixed invalid contract address causing SimulateExecution to panic.

Upgrade Priority

v2.0.1 does not have a hardfork, but contains several API fixes. All API nodes are
recommended to upgrade to v2.0.1 in order to provide the best up-to-date service

Node type Action
Delegate Not required
Fullnode Not required
API node Recommended

Important Commits

  1. [api] correct candidate selfstake in api #4335
  2. [api] fix inaccurate result of getLogs #4334
  3. [evm] fix invalid contract address causing SimulateExecution panic #4333
  4. [staking] candidates v1 compatability #4332

Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.0.1

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