⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️
This release contains a breaking change in the snapshot format.
⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️
- Add network-bootstrap tool (#1583)
- Add pruning manager (#1591)
- Add snapshot importer (#1593)
- Storing whiteFlagIndex in the BlockMetadata for each referenced block (#1603)
- Move UTXO tests to own package (#1589)
- Rename fields in Output and Spent types (#1590)
- Move test util functions to tpkg (#1596)
- Store protocol parameter updates for known tangle history (#1600)
- Reorganize documentation (#1597)
- Update the Docker example README with a bit more information (#1592)
- Update snapshot format (#1594)
- Improve snapshot tools #1605
- Replaced milestone.Index with iotago.MilestoneIndex (#1602)
Config file changes
"protocol": {
+ "targetNetworkName": "alphanet-8",
- "parameters": {
- "version": 2,
- "networkName": "alphanet-7",
- "bech32HRP": "rms",
- "minPoWScore": 1000.0,
- "belowMaxDepth": 15,
- "vByteCost": 500,
- "vByteFactorData": 1,
- "vByteFactorKey": 10,
- "tokenSupply": 2779530283277761
- },
"snapshots": {
"deltaSizeThresholdPercentage": 50,
+ "deltaSizeThresholdMinSize": "50M",