github ionuttbara/windows-defender-remover release_def_6
Version 6

latest releases: release_def_12_8_2, release_def_12_8_1, release_def_12_8...
2 years ago
  • Enforcing Removal/Disable of Windows Defender App Guard, a Defender component.
  • Enforcing Removal/Disable of HVSI. Also disabling TPM requiment removal in BitLocker is working now. (for example you can play Valorant with Riot Guard without TPM, or can do things which require TPM).
  • Removal of Windows Security App in all Windows 10 Versions it works now.

A issue:
The firewall context menu is incomplete. I'll come next week with version 6.5 to add Firewall Context Menu and instructions how-to-use.

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