github ionuttbara/windows-defender-remover release_def_12_6_1
release 12.6.1

latest releases: release_def_12_8_2, release_def_12_8_1, release_def_12_8...
15 months ago

What's new?

fix where in Canary Channel and in Windows 11 23H2 some content from C:\ProgramData\Microsoft are removed using Y and U options. (check #109 )
fix some code typos


Some antiviruses/antimalware engines can take this app as a malware/virus. So i recommend antivirus disablation before to downloaded ir! Also starting Windows 11( 22H2 Moment 2 or newer) it need to disable Tamper Proteciton from Windows Security Settings.
You can clone this repo using git and run Script_Run from the folder. (this applies for x64-bit systems).

Known issues

Disablation/Enablation using Safe methods are not working for some PCs. Next version of app will fix these problems with 'safe' methods.


If you use Canary Channel of Windows 11, you'll see some errors with UWP Apps to get in running and crashing Windows Explorer due problems and resources. Also if you updating Microsoft Store apps after removed Defender you'll get this error:

These applies to Defender Remover 12.6 only with Y option applied.
To solve this problem this powershell command will re-register all UWP Apps which you have installed in System
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers| Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"}
and reboot.

Way to force disable VBS.

If VBS (Virtualization Based Security ) is enabled after you applied the script and applied policy, if you use Hyper-V Virtual Machine or WSL , this is forcelly enabled.
If you don't use: disable Secure Boot from BIOS. These will disable VBS if you applied the script, also it disables automatic encryption (so big ATTENTION for BITLOCKER-enabled users). After disablation you'll get this in msinfo32:

Note of testing

These notes are for x64 and ARM64 (Windows 11 only) releases.
✅ Windows 8.1 and ALL version of Windows 10 (all options)
✅ Windows 11 (all options)
✅ Windows 11 Dev Channel (its OK for Y option, desktop is not crashing anymore)
✅ Windows 11 Canary Channel / Windows 12 Alpha Build (its OK for Y option)

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