*Adding removal of Windows Virtualization Based Security , without the removal of Hyper-V Protected-Code Integrity
see more in this link , what is it (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/design/device-experiences/oem-hvci-enablement).
*Workaround for #7 , if the remover not encounter problems after applying this version of the script, they can close the issue => this issue with VM is resolved, so Virtual Box MUST RUN now without any issue.
*In plus, removal of HVSI is causing so many problems with VirtualBox, and Hyper-V ,i am added some registry policies to disable VBS and Creditual Guard in Windows 11/10 even this is enabled or not, and added an existed policy, which can be in:"ConfigCIPolicyFilePath"="C:\Windows\schemas\CodeIntegrity\ExamplePolicies\AllowAll.xml" without affecting workloads of virtualization apps.
In the moment of release, all writed scenarios, are tested.