What's Changed
Breaking Changes
Security Patches
- Bump django from 4.2.10 to 4.2.11 by @dependabot in #6745
- Add OSSF Scorecard by @matmair in #6769
- CI-Actions: Security fixes by @matmair in #6835
- Update Caddyfile by @SchrodingersGat in #6919
- Pin hashes in requirements by @matmair in #7081
- Bump idna from 3.6 to 3.7 in /src/backend by @dependabot in #7110
- CI: Fix vul attribution by @matmair in #7135
- Bump django and adjacent deps by @matmair in #7174
- Bump jinja2 from 3.1.3 to 3.1.4 in /src/backend by @dependabot in #7172
New Features
- PUI Template editor by @wolflu05 in #6541
- Report: Add date rendering by @SchrodingersGat in #6706
- [PUI/Feature] Integrate Part "Default Location" into UX by @LavissaWoW in #5972
- Add additional test fields by @martonmiklos in #6149
- Add Latvian language support by @SchrodingersGat in #6749
- Parameter table editing by @SchrodingersGat in #6760
- [PUI] Category params by @SchrodingersGat in #6767
- Order responsible requirement by @SchrodingersGat in #6866
- Implement URL redirect for PUI by @SchrodingersGat in #6872
- [PUI] Add coverage testing by @matmair in #6881
- [PUI] Add licenses texts to PUI by @matmair in #6855
- Enable backup value option for plugin settings check by @SchrodingersGat in #6950
- Add codecov by @matmair in #6967
- Improve DB efficiency for user settings by @SchrodingersGat in #6996
- [PUI] Quick commands pallet by @matmair in #6987
- Form focus by @SchrodingersGat in #7008
- [PUI] pricing tab by @SchrodingersGat in #6985
- Adds "active" field for Company model by @SchrodingersGat in #7024
- Add PUI info banner to CUI by @matmair in #7097
- Refactor login state management by @SchrodingersGat in #7158
Bug Fixes
- [Docker] Fix broken image by @SchrodingersGat in #6621
- Fix data migration by @SchrodingersGat in #6652
- Fix for RelatedModelField by @SchrodingersGat in #6657
- Use whitenoise for static file handling by @SchrodingersGat in #6662
- Cache exception handling by @SchrodingersGat in #6675
- Fix typecasting in settings.py by @SchrodingersGat in #6676
- Test key fix by @SchrodingersGat in #6685
- Fix undefined tabValue (#6470) by @XanderLuciano in #6694
- handle report previewing errors by @wolflu05 in #6709
- Report enhancements by @SchrodingersGat in #6714
- Reporting: Build line label fix by @SchrodingersGat in #6717
- Worker thread fix by @SchrodingersGat in #6733
- Fix CSS for long details field by @SchrodingersGat in #6739
- Site access tweaks by @SchrodingersGat in #6738
- Test result table fix by @SchrodingersGat in #6740
- Typo fix by @SchrodingersGat in #6742
- Error handling fix by @SchrodingersGat in #6741
- Fix PUI build workflow by @wolflu05 in #6754
- Table row click fix by @SchrodingersGat in #6766
- Fix new manifest path by @matmair in #6814
- Fix for registering scheduled tasks by @SchrodingersGat in #6815
- Fix for initial form data by @SchrodingersGat in #6791
- [CI] Bump upload to v4 to ensure schema-push still works by @matmair in #6837
- Fix: add write permissions to translation workflow by @matmair in #6865
- [PUI] Small tweaks by @SchrodingersGat in #6868
- Remove port from ALLOWED_HOST entries by @SchrodingersGat in #6871
- Fix for broken migration by @SchrodingersGat in #6873
- Fix TME supplier order number splitting by @30350n in #6900
- Settings fix by @SchrodingersGat in #6904
- Remove incorrect field from BomItemResource by @SchrodingersGat in #6907
- Add serializer context to CategoryDetail by @SchrodingersGat in #6910
- allow write access for backport action by @SchrodingersGat in #6912
- Remove translation macro by @SchrodingersGat in #6914
- Fix unit tests by @SchrodingersGat in #6932
- Fix docker push action by @SchrodingersGat in #6934
- [Docker] Fix broken production image by @SchrodingersGat in #6953
- [Docker] Another fix by @SchrodingersGat in #6960
- Improve logic for non-nullable fields by @SchrodingersGat in #6962
- Use pinned eslint version by @matmair in #6968
- [BUG] Include .vite subdir in PUI releases by @matmair in #6973
- Revert "Bump sqren/backport-github-action from 8.9.3 to 9.3.1" by @SchrodingersGat in #6984
- [PUI] Fix licensing dialog by @matmair in #6993
- [PUI] Tweaks by @SchrodingersGat in #7007
- [BUG] JS translation syntax error (stock-badge in search window) by @matmair in #7013
- Allow write permission for backport.yml by @SchrodingersGat in #7017
- Revert "Trying again to fix backport action" by @SchrodingersGat in #7021
- Fix typo in Procfile by @SchrodingersGat in #7043
- Change backport action by @SchrodingersGat in #7046
- Fix regex by @SchrodingersGat in #7048
- backport.yml : Fix copy_labels_pattern by @SchrodingersGat in #7050
- Catch potential missing element by @SchrodingersGat in #7059
- Fix currency rendering in order tables by @SchrodingersGat in #7066
- Fix for update_pricing method: by @SchrodingersGat in #7075
- Session cookie fix by @SchrodingersGat in #7133
- Stock transfer dialog fix by @SchrodingersGat in #7150
- Fix for react hook by @SchrodingersGat in #7151
- Build order cancel by @SchrodingersGat in #7153
- Fix BuildItem with empty BuildLine reference by @SchrodingersGat in #7178
- [PUI] Tweaks by @SchrodingersGat in #7180
- Updates to StockOperationsRow by @SchrodingersGat in #7182
- Trackable build part fix by @SchrodingersGat in #7196
- [0.15.x] Fix permissions for release.yaml (#7220) by @github-actions in #7221
Devops / Setup Changes
- Set ACCOUNT_EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX by @SchrodingersGat in #6673
- Allowed host fix by @SchrodingersGat in #6682
- Caddy fix by @SchrodingersGat in #6690
- Unit tests for HOST settings by @SchrodingersGat in #6698
- Update .env by @SchrodingersGat in #6700
- Fix for caddyfile by @SchrodingersGat in #6712
- Site access updates by @SchrodingersGat in #6731
- Add ability to test event triggers by @LavissaWoW in #6746
- Run publish CI actions only on main repo by @matmair in #6592
- Move media operations to storages backend by @matmair in #6478
- Timestamp issues by @SchrodingersGat in #6867
- Dockerfile fixes by @SchrodingersGat in #6905
- Security improvements by @matmair in #6890
- Fix locate plugin testing by @matmair in #6946
- Update backport.yml by @SchrodingersGat in #6958
- Revert "Update backport.yml" by @SchrodingersGat in #6959
- Tests: remove dead paths in test files by @matmair in #6965
- Fix test coverage by @matmair in #6945
- Use xml for coverage info by @matmair in #6947
- [CI] Optimize runs by @matmair in #6991
- [CI] Re-add playwright reporting by @matmair in #6992
- [CI] Increase migration test coverage by @matmair in #6995
- Trying again to fix backport action by @SchrodingersGat in #7018
- [PUI] Add more tests by @matmair in #7010
- Revert to sqren backport action by @SchrodingersGat in #7051
- [PUI] Add quick login via url by @matmair in #7022
- [CI] Small nitpick changes by @matmair in #7016
- Group dependabot PRs per ecosystem by @matmair in #7098
- [PUI] Add playground / pricing tests by @matmair in #7057
- Remove coveralls integration by @SchrodingersGat in #7099
- [PUI] Test modals by @matmair in #7113
- [PUI] Test for errors in console by @matmair in #7114
- Fix CI filters by @matmair in #7121
- CI: Add pre-commit hook to use modern testing asserts by @matmair in #7126
- Improve reproduciblity of image by @matmair in #7120
- Fixes to make compatible with Python 3.12 by @matmair in #7112
- [PUI] Add more table tests by @matmair in #7143
- [PUI] Add testing for Scanning page by @matmair in #7165
- Update release.yml by @SchrodingersGat in #7216
- Fix grpcio version by @SchrodingersGat in #6635
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.4 to 1.15.6 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6732
- Bump pre-commit/action from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 by @dependabot in #6773
- Update mkdocs-macros-plugin requirement from <1.0,>=0.7 to >=0.7,<2.0 in /docs by @dependabot in #6774
- Bump dorny/paths-filter from 2.11.1 to 3.0.2 by @dependabot in #6775
- Bump eslint from 8.41.0 to 8.57.0 by @dependabot in #6777
- Bump docker/metadata-action from 5.0.0 to 5.5.1 by @dependabot in #6778
- Bump svenstaro/upload-release-action from 2.7.0 to 2.9.0 by @dependabot in #6779
- Bump docker/build-push-action from 5.0.0 to 5.3.0 by @dependabot in #6776
- Bump @lingui/react from 4.5.0 to 4.7.1 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6780
- Bump react-hook-form from 7.48.2 to 7.51.1 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6781
- Bump @lingui/cli from 4.5.0 to 4.7.1 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6782
- Bump @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons from 6.4.2 to 6.5.1 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6783
- Bump @emotion/react from 11.11.1 to 11.11.4 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6784
- Python dependency bump by @matmair in #6790
- Bump frontend dependencies by @matmair in #6579
- Bump @sentry/react from 7.107.0 to 7.108.0 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6820
- Bump @types/react from 18.2.67 to 18.2.68 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6821
- Bump vite from 5.2.2 to 5.2.3 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6822
- Bump ossf/scorecard-action from 2.1.2 to 2.3.1 by @dependabot in #6803
- Bump actions/download-artifact from 3.0.2 to 4.1.4 by @dependabot in #6801
- Bump sqren/backport-github-action from 8.9.3 to 9.3.1 by @dependabot in #6802
- Bump docker/login-action from 3.0.0 to 3.1.0 by @dependabot in #6800
- Bump actions/stale from 8.0.0 to 9.0.0 by @dependabot in #6799
- Allauth settings update by @SchrodingersGat in #6830
- Switch to offical uv action by @matmair in #6827
- Bump @tabler/icons-react from 2.47.0 to 3.1.0 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6824
- Bump github/codeql-action from 2.2.4 to 3.24.9 by @dependabot in #6852
- Bump sigstore/cosign-installer from 3.1.2 to 3.4.0 by @dependabot in #6853
- Bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 3.0.0 to 3.2.0 by @dependabot in #6850
- Bump @uiw/codemirror-theme-vscode from 4.21.24 to 4.21.25 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6845
- Bump @types/react from 18.2.68 to 18.2.70 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6846
- Bump actions/upload-artifact from 3.1.0 to 4.3.1 by @dependabot in #6851
- Bump vite from 5.2.3 to 5.2.6 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6844
- Bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.28.6 to 5.28.8 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6843
- Bump @uiw/react-codemirror from 4.21.24 to 4.21.25 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6842
- Bump actions/setup-python from 5.0.0 to 5.1.0 by @dependabot in #6864
- Bump @lingui/react from 4.7.1 to 4.7.2 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6862
- Bump @types/react from 18.2.70 to 18.2.71 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6860
- Bump @lingui/macro from 4.7.1 to 4.7.2 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6859
- Bump @lingui/cli from 4.7.1 to 4.7.2 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6861
- Bump react-hook-form from 7.51.1 to 7.51.2 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6878
- Bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.28.8 to 5.28.9 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6877
- Bump @types/react from 18.2.71 to 18.2.73 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6880
- Bump @types/react-dom from 18.2.22 to 18.2.23 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6889
- Bump @mantine/form from 6.0.21 to 7.7.0 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6879
- Bump embla-carousel-react from 7.1.0 to 8.0.0 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6896
- Bump vite from 5.2.6 to 5.2.7 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6897
- Bump @mantine/form from 7.7.0 to 7.7.1 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6898
- Bump @sentry/react from 7.108.0 to 7.109.0 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6899
- Bump @types/node from 20.11.30 to 20.12.2 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6902
- Bump pre-commit from 3.6.2 to 3.7.0 by @dependabot in #6841
- Bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.28.9 to 5.28.14 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6927
- Bump @types/react from 18.2.73 to 18.2.74 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6926
- Bump @fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons from 6.5.1 to 6.5.2 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6924
- Bump @types/node from 20.12.2 to 20.12.3 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6936
- Bump dj-rest-auth from 5.0.2 to 5.1.0 in /src/backend by @dependabot in #6940
- Bump django-money from 3.2.0 to 3.4.1 in /src/backend by @dependabot in #6942
- Bump rapidfuzz from 3.6.2 to 3.7.0 in /src/backend by @dependabot in #6938
- Bump @fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core from 6.5.1 to 6.5.2 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6925
- Bump @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons from 6.5.1 to 6.5.2 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #6928
- Bump pillow from 10.2.0 to 10.3.0 in /src/backend by @dependabot in #6944
- Bump dependencies by @matmair in #6969
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.0.1 to 4.3.0 by @dependabot in #6994
- Bump github/codeql-action from 3.24.9 to 3.24.10 by @dependabot in #6976
- Bump rapidfuzz from 3.8.0 to 3.8.1 in /src/backend by @dependabot in #6980
- Bump @lingui/react from 4.8.0 to 4.10.0 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #7032
- Bump @playwright/test from 1.43.0 to 1.43.1 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #7031
- Bump react-hook-form from 7.51.2 to 7.51.3 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #7030
- Bump embla-carousel-react from 8.0.1 to 8.0.2 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #7029
- Bump stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action from 5.0.0 to 5.0.1 by @dependabot in #7037
- Bump github/codeql-action from 3.24.10 to 3.25.0 by @dependabot in #7036
- Bump sigstore/cosign-installer from 3.4.0 to 3.5.0 by @dependabot in #7035
- Bump @lingui/macro from 4.8.0 to 4.10.0 in /src/frontend by @dependabot in #7033
- Bump setuptools from 69.2.0 to 69.5.1 in /src/backend by @dependabot in #7041
- Bump sentry-sdk from 1.44.1 to 1.45.0 in /src/backend by @dependabot in #7039
- Bump gunicorn from 21.2.0 to 22.0.0 in /src/backend by @dependabot in #7054
- Bump eslint from 8.57.0 to 9.0.0 in /src/backend by @dependabot in #6979
- Bump eslint from 9.0.0 to 9.1.1 in /src/backend in the dependencies group by @dependabot in #7100
- Bump mkdocs from 1.5.3 to 1.6.0 in /docs by @dependabot in #7080
- Bump mkdocstrings[python] from 0.24.3 to 0.25.0 in /docs by @dependabot in #7130
- Bump the dependencies group across 1 directory with 5 updates by @dependabot in #7134
- Bump mkdocs-material from 9.5.19 to 9.5.21 in /docs by @dependabot in #7177
- Bump the dependencies group with 2 updates by @dependabot in #7169
- Bump eslint from 9.1.1 to 9.2.0 in /src/backend in the dependencies group by @dependabot in #7171
- Bump the dependencies group with 2 updates by @dependabot in #7213
Other Changes
- Version number: by @SchrodingersGat in #6617
- Run build completion in background by @SchrodingersGat in #6619
- offload_task: log errors by @SchrodingersGat in #6620
- Add polar to funding page by @matmair in #6639
- In debug mode, allow CORS from localhost origins by @SchrodingersGat in #6650
- Fix comment in docker-compose.yml by @SchrodingersGat in #6656
- Feet and inches by @SchrodingersGat in #6674
- Handle more caching exception pathways by @SchrodingersGat in #6678
- settings.py - fix default value by @SchrodingersGat in #6681
- Auth endpoint updates by @SchrodingersGat in #6683
- Cleanup settings.py by @SchrodingersGat in #6691
- ParametricPartTable Updates by @SchrodingersGat in #6692
- [PUI] Updates by @SchrodingersGat in #6707
- [PUI] Details Pages by @SchrodingersGat in #6718
- Disable BOM requirement by @SchrodingersGat in #6719
- Code Cleanup by @XanderLuciano in #6726
- Test result table by @SchrodingersGat in #6747
- [PUI] Tweaks by @SchrodingersGat in #6750
- Name details by @SchrodingersGat in #6752
- [PUI] Parameter title by @SchrodingersGat in #6763
- Make modal footer fixed (#6696) by @XanderLuciano in #6699
- Details CSS tweaks (again) by @SchrodingersGat in #6743
- [PUI] table fixes by @SchrodingersGat in #6764
- [PUI] Enable "link" column for tables by @SchrodingersGat in #6765
- Fix a few warnings in api generation by @matmair in #6836
- Platform tweaks by @SchrodingersGat in #6854
- Add current deployment methods to bug template by @matmair in #6893
- Add test start, end date and test station to the next gen UI by @martonmiklos in #6883
- Linting fixes by @SchrodingersGat in #6906
- [PUI] Hide blank contact field by @SchrodingersGat in #6909
- Set write permission on specific job by @matmair in #6915
- Delete .sonarcloud.properties by @matmair in #6918
- Some small style fixes by @matmair in #6916
- Cleanups for refactor by @matmair in #6933
- Add support for django-query-count by @SchrodingersGat in #6948
- Fetch server state when refetching all global states by @SchrodingersGat in #6949
- [PUI] Move buttons form components by @matmair in #6988
- Admin shell by @SchrodingersGat in #6998
- [PUI] Mobile ignore warning in dev by @matmair in #7009
- BOM pricing table fix by @SchrodingersGat in #7044
- PUI BOM table updates by @SchrodingersGat in #7049
- [PUI] Pricing UX improvements by @matmair in #7053
- [PUI] Session authentication by @SchrodingersGat in #6970
- Backup enhancements by @SchrodingersGat in #7077
- Add contenttype model to API by @matmair in #7079
- Bump pre-commit versions by @matmair in #7082
- Build allocation table updates by @SchrodingersGat in #7106
- [PUI] Implement "build outputs" table by @SchrodingersGat in #7115
- Small style fixes by @matmair in #7117
- [FR] Increase Length of URL limit on import by @matmair in #7119
- [PUI]: Refactor columns by @SchrodingersGat in #7136
- PUI tweaks by @SchrodingersGat in #7144
- [PUI] More style fixes by @matmair in #7142
- Fix icon by @SchrodingersGat in #7148
- [PUI] Add "name" icon by @SchrodingersGat in #7152
- Cookie mode by @SchrodingersGat in #7162
- Fix small style issues in frontend by @matmair in #7163
- Build default location by @SchrodingersGat in #7160
- [PUI] Error boundary by @SchrodingersGat in #7176
- [PUI] part stock by @SchrodingersGat in #7179
- Refactor PanelMixin class into its own file by @SchrodingersGat in #7181
- Add more fields to BuildDetail page by @SchrodingersGat in #7183
- WIP [PUI] Migrate to Mantine v7 by @matmair in #7028
- Fix for details links by @SchrodingersGat in #7184
- New Crowdin updates by @SchrodingersGat in #7185
- Transfer out of stock items by @SchrodingersGat in #7194
- [PUI] stock item delete by @SchrodingersGat in #7204
- Running worker status by @SchrodingersGat in #7215
- Mark as release version by @SchrodingersGat in #7217
New Contributors
- @XanderLuciano made their first contribution in #6694
- @emmanuel-ferdman made their first contribution in #7019
Full Changelog: 0.14.0...0.15.0