github intuit/auto v9.19.0

latest releases: v11.3.0, v11.2.1, v11.2.0...
4 years ago

Release Notes

From #996

The gradle plugin has enabled many Java and Android engineers to automate the versioning of their projects. While the old gradle plugin's features were primarily targeted at app developers, this release brings features that make auto ergonomic for library authors! 🎉

-SNAPSHOT Versioning

A common versioning pattern for java projects is -SNAPSHOT Versioning. It is especially helpful for library authors and helps with testing their libraries.

All you have to do to start using this feature is add -SNAPSHOT to your version in build.gradle or and auto will start using-snapshot Versioning. If you want to configure the snapshot suffix just set snapshotSuffix in

Publish Support

Another useful feature for library authors, auto will now call the publish task if it is configured for your project. 🚀

versionFile deprecation

Previously this plugin had to use a versionFile to keep track of the version of the project. Now it will parse the gradle properties command for this information.

This is not a breaking change, you'll just have an extra file you can delete

🚀 Enhancement

Authors: 3

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