github intitni/CopilotForXcode 0.25.0

latest releases: 0.35.4, 0.35.3, 0.35.2...
15 months ago

Please run Copilot for once and restart Xcode to complete the update.

  • (Experimental) Update the @project scope to use RAG, which is much faster and more reliable. However, there is still some additional work to be done to complete this feature.

    If you have any ideas about the @project scope and want to know its current status, feel free to join this discussion!

  • Chat

    • Prevent auto-scroll to the bottom when you are scrolling up.
    • Add a scroll to bottom button.
    • Allow disabling code wrapping.
  • Support reordering chat tabs.

Go to the release discussion to learn more about this release.

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