github intitni/CopilotForXcode 0.21.0

latest releases: 0.35.6, 0.35.5, 0.35.4...
19 months ago

Introducing Copilot for Xcode Plus!

Back in the beginning of 2023, I created the initial version of the source editor extension for GitHub Copilot, which injects suggestions into the code as comments. I never imagined that it would evolve into what it is today.

While most of what was free and open-source will remain free and open-source. I would like to introduce the Plus license key which unlocks a subset of the new features. I kindly ask you to consider getting a license key to support the development of this project!

The very first plus features are:

  • Browser tab.
  • Unlimited number of custom commands (non-plus users will have a limit of 10 commands (´・ω・`)).

What’s New

  • Replace selection and file scope with file and code scope.

    • The file scope enables the chatbot to read the metadata of the edited file. The code scope enables the chatbot to read both the metadata and content of the edited file.
    • The @code scope now parses the AST (Swift only at the moment) of the file so it knows more context of the file, like what is imported and what type or function the selected code is in.
    • When there is no selected code, it can get the focused code base on the cursor position.
  • (Plus) Browser tab
    You can now use your favorite web tools from the chat panel. The context menu has been enhanced, allowing you to perform the following actions while editing text:

    • paste selected code / file content.
    • paste selected code / file content in Markdown.
    • rewrite selected text with custom commands.

    When you are not editing text, you can still run custom commands on any selected text.

    Known issue:

    • active elements inside shadow dom and contenteditable divs are not yet supported.
    • open in new tab is not yet handled.
  • Create new chat tab with custom chat commands.

  • Chat panel now supports switch tabs with shift+command+] and shift+command+[.

  • Web page query with @web scope should be faster now.

  • You can now hide the circular widget. #307

  • Move the chat context menu to tab bar.

  • Move the pin chat panel button to the title bar of chat panel.

  • Use SMAppService to setup launch agent. If you are building the app yourself, don’t forget to update the launchAgent.plist file in the project. #266

  • Bump Codeium to 1.2.57

  • Update Azure OpenAI API to 07-01 preview which supports function calling.

  • Make the ChatGPT service compatible with LocalAI, but you should use a model that supports function calling, or configure it to completely ignore function calling. #308

  • Prevent reading large files. #316

Pull Requests

Full Changelog: 0.20.1...0.21.0

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