github intitni/CopilotForXcode 0.14.0.beta.3
0.14.0 beta 3

latest releases: 0.35.4, 0.35.3, 0.35.2...
pre-release21 months ago

What's New in beta 3

  • Support triggering command via Accessibility API. If the accept button in the widget was not working for you, please give it a try. It's also much faster than the Apple Script implementation.

What's New in beta 2

  • Fix that the app will freeze at launch.
  • Add timeout to accept suggestion command.
  • Make chat with selection and prompt to code command return immediately.
  • Remove the boost QoS hack which does nothing.

What's New in 0.14.0

Add detachable chat.

Now you can drag the chat away from the widget to detach the chat from it. The detached window can be moved around and resized. And it will always be on the top.

To attach it back to the widget, you can click the chat bubble button next to the circular widget.

Detach and attach can also be done in the contextual menu of the circular widget.

Please go to #174 for discussion on this feature.

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