github internxt/drive-web v1.0.350

latest releases: v1.0.412, v1.0.411, v1.0.410...
one month ago


  • Show the skeleton below the access records fetched while loading more.
  • Do not block scrolling while fetching more logs, so the user can scroll up if he wants to.
  • The loadMore (paging) function has been blocked if items are already being fetched (isLoading = true).
  • Reduced load skeleton from 10 rows to 5.


  • Changes have been tested locally.
  • Unit tests have been written or updated as necessary.
  • The code adheres to the repository's coding standards.
  • Relevant documentation has been added or updated.
  • No new warnings or errors have been introduced.
  • SonarCloud issues have been reviewed and addressed.
  • QA Passed

How Has This Been Tested?

Go to Business Workspace (one account as owner and one as guest) > Make various moves like login, logout, file/folder sharing, etc inside the workspace > go to Settings > go to Logs section > scroll through to load items + apply filters to check that they works

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