Release v1.8.0 contains the following changes
- Bug Fixes, README update and Version bump to v1.8.0 - 6e0f9db
- Version bump for Dockerfile v1.8.0 - d1bb8bb
- Fix submodule issue with haproxy module - 9fce166
- Fix AES128-SHA failure with nginx - 313bf18
- Fix provider warnings with co-existence mode when building rpm using qatengine.spec - 1b629fa
- Add AVX2 bit check support for client platforms - 683b9b3
- Fixed offload issue for qat hw aes-ccm and sm3 when modules removed - 14b30fd
- Added QAT_SW Provider support for RSA encrypt and decrypt - f1cc5a0
- Algorithms with AES-128 and AES-192 keys added to insecure list and disabled by default - f5c7321
Please refer README (Software requirements section) for dependent libraries release version and other information.