github inotia00/rvx-builder v3.18.4
rvx-builder v3.18.4

14 hours ago
  • fix: Version selection page fails to load (Twitter, YouTube Music)

⚠️ Caution: To patch the official ReVanced source in rvx-builder, you must keep revanced-cli as the 'inotia00' source.
Otherwise, the patch list cannot be loaded.
⚠️ The following error seems to be related to the Anti-Split tool:

RangeError [ERR_CHILD_PROCESS_STDIO_MAXBUFFER]: stderr maxBuffer length exceeded

If you get this error:

  1. Wait 1 to 3 minutes for Anti-Split to finish.
  2. Click the Back button.
  3. Click the No button.
  4. Patch will start again.

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