github infrahq/infra v0.4.11

latest releases: v0.21.0, v0.20.0, v0.19.0...
2 years ago


8fc6d4b Kubernetes events (#676)
e8fddb3 Bump @types/react from 17.0.36 to 17.0.37 in /internal/registry/ui (#689)
de742b7 logger filter (#657)
fdae281 use default namespace for make dev
21601d6 Update config on destination save (#656)
24298f9 Add scopes to session tokens (#436)
ac512da switch to Gin (#672)
18cb31d Bump @types/react from 17.0.35 to 17.0.36 in /internal/registry/ui (#678)
cc800c0 Removed drop shadow of readme banner (#666)
e8736ca Updated Security Text (#664)
55a5714 Updated w/ Security headline (#663)
789394f Postgres Configuration (#96)
42d05c8 Updated Readme Banner (#661)
4600f87 support native go certificates (#633)
68319cb Bump typescript from 4.4.4 to 4.5.2 in /internal/registry/ui (#659)
1e213e3 Create (#653)
e595534 short name by default (#648)
e16c62c engine: handle service type ClusterIP (#647)
928df56 Bump eslint-config-next from 12.0.3 to 12.0.4 in /internal/registry/ui (#649)
e57cc59 Bump @types/react from 17.0.34 to 17.0.35 in /internal/registry/ui (#650)
1feac29 Bump next from 12.0.3 to 12.0.4 in /internal/registry/ui (#651)
8b235ba Add tests to API to check for sensitive data (#637)

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